Need help with starting and grasping XNA and C#?

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2 comments, last by a_insomniac 12 years, 11 months ago
So all I really have is 1 year of C++ under my belt and programming in general, I thought I could take upon XNA but, I don't know. Does anyone have any step by step guide on how to get down to finally being comfortable with starting XNA? I'm new to programming overall. I understand I gotta learn C# first, any books or online tutorials that are recommended for a beginner?

I have the book XNA Game Studio 3.0 Unleashed by Chad Carter? Is it a good book? And by the way, noticed it's outdated, is this a problem? Or maybe are there any easier books for XNA?

It's just, XNA seems so...intimidating, all the code just blown right in, just to start it up?
you can learn how C# works a you go with XNA.
Try Reimers tuts, many people find them helpful
I'll check it out, looks pretty good :)
The beginner tutorials at the App Hub site are a great start. I believe you will have to actually join (membership) but it's worth it if you are really interested in learning XNA. Good luck.


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