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1 comment, last by Haroogan 13 years ago
This is going to be stupid topic. I'm not new to programming nor to OpenGL. But I haven't been programming with C++ for about a year or something, because I have been using JOGL. Right now I'm beginning a new OpenGL project. So I've made simple application using GLUT (VS 2010 btw). The mystery is that I didn't include glut32.dll anywhere, but the application runs well! So there is no glut32.dll near *.exe file and it is not in windows directories. Then how does my application run? Maybe I'm missing something?

-some glut versions are static. no dll-s needed.
-if your glut is dynamic, there is a lot path vere it can be lurk.
-if your glut is dynamic, you should copy the dll to the exe dir to your app when you release it. no exceptions.


-some glut versions are static. no dll-s needed.
-if your glut is dynamic, there is a lot path vere it can be lurk.
-if your glut is dynamic, you should copy the dll to the exe dir to your app when you release it. no exceptions.

Would you try it: GLUT 3.7

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