New Potential Funding Source for Developers

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-1 comments, last by SlickSalamander 12 years, 11 months ago
Attention Independent Game Developer Community,
My business partners and I are currently developing a product that will help provide an alternative revenue stream for game development teams. The product, currently codenamed "Slick Salamander," will be a new and innovative ad framework. Some of the potential benefits of "Slick Salamander" include:

1) Money to use during the development stages. Pay your overhead costs, hire some extra help, or maybe just use the money to buy groceries.

2) "Investment" style capital without the need to relinquish creative control or business control.

3) Profit regardless of the degree of piracy. No matter how many people illegally download your game, you still make some money from using "Slick Salamander."

4) Seamless integration with your titles. No more slapped on ad banners.

Interested developers should respond to this post with their e-mail address. We will make sure to contact you when "Slick Salamander" is ready to go. We will not give your e-mail address to any third party.

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