Parser c++ and .obj

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2 comments, last by szecs 12 years, 11 months ago
Hee people,

I need to somehow implement 3ds max models into opengl and some people strongly adviced me to make use of wavefront .obj files. Then I was told to write a parser. My question is fairly simple, how do you write a parser and can this be achieved with c++. I must admit that I am new to c++ and am still learning, but I need to explore the possiblities before going on. When I know c++ will I be able to write a parser or are there still other things that i need to learn. I saw that there are not may tutorials and stuff like that on writing one, so that's why I am asking.

Thanks a lot for your help!
It can be done in any language that can open text files. OBJ files are just text files, open one in notepad and take a look. You only need a very basic knowledge of 3D theory to parse them
Aah, so when I know c++ and and opengl, parsing them is no problem anymore? Thanks a lot btw.
If you are asking if it's simple: it is. At least writing a very basic one is simple. By very basic I mean you only read ONE object, and only the mesh data (positions of vertices, triangles, texture coordinates and maybe vertex normals). Loading materials is a different thing, but that's not hard either. There are tons of references about .obj on the net, maybe even source codes or libraries.

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