2D Map Rendering

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4 comments, last by laztrezort 12 years, 9 months ago
This should be pretty simple, and hopefully I'm posting this in the correct area.

Me and a friend are just starting a 2D RPG just as a fun side project and a learning experience.

This question is concerning how to render a dungeon, open world AKA a large area.

Should i create the world as a single image or should i just cut the different sprites into a sprite sheet and just figure out the logic for rendering the different sprites together?

Hopefully this makes sense.
Not a Game Design question. Moving to For Beginners.

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

Are you guys going to be using any specific engine?
Most RPG engines tend to use a sprite sheet with individual textures cut out to make world design easier.

Have you looked into any engines? if you guys don't have a lot of coding experience game maker is pretty good.
I would seriously suggest looking into RPGMaker, (the free 30 day trial is fully functional). You might think, "Oh but then I won't learn how to code", but the latest rmvk runs almost entirely on the scripting language ruby. Ruby is based mostly off C and perl, so it'll get you used to alot of the concepts of lower level languages.

The main thing though is you guys can start immediately making the game instead of having to learn how to code first. Which usually leads to people quitting these types of dreams. Since the the free trial is fully functional, it wouldn't hurt to atleast try it out. Other than screen resolution it's actually a pretty powerful framework... and there are a couple games on steam even, that have used it.

Then if you're still excited about programming, you can branch off after that.
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I'm not mean, I just like to get to the point.
Actually I'm going to be coding it myself. I know C++ and I've done basic games like Pong with SDL, but I was thinking to use OpenGL for this. This is really a learning experience project.

But yeah I'm decent with C++ which ill be working with another coder with this. I don't mind the endless hours of coding work. I'm actually a developer in my day job, web development (back-end). So I'm used to staring at code.

So I guess i should just have the individual textures necessary and clip them out of sprite sheet and just compile the environment this way?

Actually I'm going to be coding it myself. I know C++ and I've done basic games like Pong with SDL, but I was thinking to use OpenGL for this. This is really a learning experience project.

But yeah I'm decent with C++ which ill be working with another coder with this. I don't mind the endless hours of coding work. I'm actually a developer in my day job, web development (back-end). So I'm used to staring at code.

So I guess i should just have the individual textures necessary and clip them out of sprite sheet and just compile the environment this way?

I second Freeworld, try RPGMaker - not to make a game with it, but just fooling around with the map editor will give a pretty good idea of how these types of games are put together, and give you good ideas to try in your own game/engine.

"Tile map" is typically the term describing what you are talking about, and there are many examples and editors to be found on the internet using many different technologies.

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