Recommend a Game Physics book

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1 comment, last by Krohm 12 years, 9 months ago



I'm looking for a Game Physics book that has examples and practice problems cause the current book I have doesn't have neither it just has code examples and practices. What I mean by that is that they pose the questions like at the end of the chapter it asks

You have a ball with a mass of 5kg and acceleration of a = (1, 2, 3) what is the force? F = (5(1), 5(2), 5(3)) ==> F = (5, 10, 15)

Well I think I did that right...

And then it has some kind of answer key at the back of the book to check your answers or something...

I would pick up any general physics book or just take a class in your local college but a lab class is needed =)
Force = (Mass)(acceleration) The force is a ray that is at 0 state of acceleration at time 0 and it keeps going forever unless something stops it. That is how I remember it but I failed that class and it was so long ago that the cobwebs are gathering dust.
General Studies A.S - College of Southern Nevada 2003 GPA 2.3
General physics?
I wouldn't say so.

A book with purely school-like questions?
I wouldn't say so.

If you look at a modern rigid body dynamic library (Bullet, ODE) you'll find out very little of the code actually deals with school-book physics.
Some books - I have been told - actually do a good job of describing broadphase and narrowphase, simulation determinism, stability issues. Personally I'd like to know as well what those "some books" are (by ISBN).

Here is a partial list of things that a modern (2005+) physics subsystem must be able to do.
  • Rigid body dynamics with stable stacking, at least box, sphere, cylinder and convex hull.
  • Sweeping tests (EPA?)
  • Nearest distance optimizations (GJK)
  • Penetration resolving, (at least) for arbitrary convex hulls
  • Constraints

You might notice that none of those issues involve directly the kind of physics described in school-like books. Also note that because of floating-point approximations, most school-book physics will be quirky or non-deterministic at best.
Personally I suggest to just take a stab at a physics API. Those still don't fill the gaps (Kinematic bodies in particular need to be moved manually) but they came with relatively compact examples to do so.

Previously "Krohm"

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