collision box bsp

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2 comments, last by Krohm 12 years, 9 months ago
hello every one
i try to do collision in my game using aabb ,i found this article
about bsp tracebox collision detection , but i can't see any face test or polygon , it just plane against ray test , can explain how it work ,this can help to use tracebox in my game without bsp ,or similar method;

thanks for all.
Consider Bullet. It has a demo loading up a BSP and mangling it to produce correct collisions - I think it's called BSPDemo. It is a bit convoluted but it will save you tons of time and rigid body dynamics are cool. You get those for free.
Because of the license, I think you might eventually just copypaste everything if you're inclined in doing that... but the BSP loader is GPL as far as I recall so be careful.

Previously "Krohm"

Consider Bullet. It has a demo loading up a BSP and mangling it to produce correct collisions - I think it's called BSPDemo. It is a bit convoluted but it will save you tons of time and rigid body dynamics are cool. You get those for free.
Because of the license, I think you might eventually just copypaste everything if you're inclined in doing that... but the BSP loader is GPL as far as I recall so be careful.

thanks , i just need to understand how box collide with triangle in tracebox method in Bsp because node /bruch/leaf it only used as planes information in trace function ,
and aabb tested against them ,collision with plane not mean with face surface, this may help to write my own AABBToTris collsion test method ..
Sorry if a deep understanding for this specific case is what you're searching for, I suppose I cannot help you. I've had a quick glance at Real Time Rendering but my copy does not seem to have anything dealing with box/tri intersection.
Personally, once broadphase is resolved, I'd probably just degenerate a box in a bunch of tris... but I believe it's more likely they're actually playing with convex hulls somehow.

Previously "Krohm"

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