Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

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64 comments, last by Telgin 12 years, 8 months ago
Sup dawg. I'm jus chillin... with an arrow through my neck. Hurts a bit. But I'm cool yo


I shot him with the crossbow from 3 feet away and he flew back 5 feet and got pinned up against the wall. OMFG - never shot the crossbow in this game before. Waaay more awesome than DX1

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

has everyone else moved on already? Shame. I'm still having fun!


Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

So am I.
Just to add my 50c worth to this topic, I really enjoyed this game - at least, that's the bottom line. It was worth playing, and I won't go over all that again... every positive opinion will tell you why this game is good.


Although it felt like Deus ex 1, it was missing a magical something. In terms of plot (having played the original), you are actively out LOOKING for conspiracies and distrusting everything. This is not HR's fault, but it cannot be helped. Second, and this is something I did not like... HR I think has a decent plot, but in terms of characters falls flat. Adam Jensen is interesting enough, but why should we care about anybody else in the game? Some characters are potentially interesting, but I felt that they were never given a chance to fully develop, and that really held back my sense of immersion.

I thought that the original had far more interesting characters, as well as more of them - Paul Denton, the two Mechs, Simmons, and others just felt more real. Maybe it's the nostalgia talking, but that really helped my enjoyment of the game. Strangely, you're more of a renegade in the original Deus ex, and yet you somehow end up feeling like more of a loner in HR.

I am actually going to try and brave playing more than 30 minutes into Invisible War because I really want to see the plot... have been inspired to do so now :)
I am actually going to try and brave playing more than 30 minutes into Invisible War because I really want to see the plot... have been inspired to do so now :)

Invisible War is fun, give it the time it deserves. biggrin.gif
Haven't played Human Revolution yet, but added it to my wish-list after skimming this thread.

[quote name='J-dog' timestamp='1316668625' post='4864544']I am actually going to try and brave playing more than 30 minutes into Invisible War because I really want to see the plot... have been inspired to do so now :)

Invisible War is fun, give it the time it deserves. biggrin.gif
Haven't played Human Revolution yet, but added it to my wish-list after skimming this thread.


In a way I agree that Invisible War gets more hate than it deserves. It wasn't really a bad game, it was just too different from the first Deus Ex. I'll admit that I don't recall a whole lot about the plot, but I did find the ending satisfying. Well, the ending I chose anyway.

As for Human Revolution, I finally got a chance to play a bit of the beginning of the game at my brother's house. To put it mildly, it felt very much like Deus Ex. More so than I would have expected honestly. The music matched it nicely, the character interactions were meaningful, nonlethal combat was a viable tactic and the objectives were well laid out and included XP granting optional objectives. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the story plays out and how well it meshes up with the first game.

Of course, I did die pretty quickly on my first attempt. It took a while to get used to the cover system and aiming, which I kept trying to do like Gears of War. All in all, I like the fact that a few bullets kills you though. Playing through the first Deus Ex on the hardest difficulty was about the only way to make it feel believable.
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