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13 comments, last by Sinner_Zero 22 years, 7 months ago
Ok, I saw the new winsock tutorial up, wow, its great. But my problem is using winsock to connect to a server (asp in my case), I really have no clue and MFC is too much for me at the moment. Anyone? And, as for the code in that tut, that would be for a server running that code right, which means I''d need my own server.... right? I mean is there any free server that would support that, no right?
Very quick rundown on Winsock client applications:

To connect to a server at running on port 1234,
  // define hostLPHOSTENT host = gethostbyname( "" );if( host == NULL ) return -1;//// create socket - internet address family, stream, TCP/IPSOCKET s = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP );if( s == SOCKET_INVALID ) return -1;//// set up the internet address structureSOCKADDR_IN sockaddr;sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;sockaddr.sin_addr = *( (LPIN_ADDR)*host->h_addr_list );sockaddr,sin_port = htons( 1234 );  // this is the connection port//// connectint err = connect( s, (LPSOCKADDR)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr) );if( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) return -1;// Ready to go!  

Look at send() and recv() to see how to transfer data, and closesocket() to disconnect from the server.
What do I haveto include for all those classes to work?
and what kind of info can I send recieve? I mean, especially teh recieve part, how does it work?

as for send, just ints and chars and other vars, or hwatever the new lingo is?
A socket is very much like a file. Anything you can write to / read from a file, you can send/receive on a socket. The only difference is you use send() and recv() instead of fwrite() and fread(). - Just click it.
but how can you recieve. I mean, ummm.....

ok, I never use fwrite/read I always use cin/out. can someone explain these to me?
ignore the recieve part, but I do not know howto use fread/write, I have always used cin/out. Can someone please explain htese briefly or link me to a tutorial.
Here is a useful Winsock (client)tutorial. You''ll need to include winsock2.h and add ws2_32.lib to your project.
cool, great link, but it seems I''d haveto learna lot in order to be able to be able to send info to a FTP server, so i''m wondering, a programmer of 9years suggested I use ASP w/ winsock, anyone know how that would work with the ASP?
quote:Original post by Dean Harding
A socket is very much like a file. Anything you can write to / read from a file, you can send/receive on a socket. The only difference is you use send() and recv() instead of fwrite() and fread(). - Just click it.

Actually a socket is a file descriptor. In Unix they''re represented by ints, but Winsock typedefs an unsigned int to give you a socket. Thats why sockets use file read/write operations (same goes for unix pipes).

Actually I wrote an FTP Client implementation, and there was less to it than I though. I can give you the pseudo-code if you wish.

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