Howto apply rotation, scaling to a 2D image

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4 comments, last by MedRamBO 12 years, 5 months ago
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Why not just render it to a texture on a quad and scale/rotate the quad?
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Rastertek's tutorial would probably be able to explain it better than I can.

The main things to keep in mind are that you're no longer rendering to the screen, but to the texture. This isn't much of a change, since when you render to the 'screen' you're really rendering to a texture as well.

Once you've rendered to the texture, bind it to a quad that's whatever size you want and render it like a normal polygon. You can then use a shader or d3d's built in functions to scale and rotate the quad with standard 3D matrices. if you don't rotate it around the Y or X axes, it'll remain a "2D" quad.

Just make sure you render the quad last with depth buffering disabled, that way it will always be on top of your screen.
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