Naming functions that 'operate on' vs 'copy and return'

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12 comments, last by MaulingMonkey 12 years, 3 months ago
What are your views on naming identical functions that do the same thing, with the only difference being whether they operate on the variable passed in (by reference), or operate on a copy of the variable (passed in by const reference) and returning it?

In my current code, I want to have two functions with the same purpose, but different usages. (both functions I have in a "String::" namespace)
I have:
std::string ReplaceAll(const std::string &str, ....);

I also have:
void ReplaceAll(std::string &str, ...);

They do the exact same thing (takes a string to operate on, a string to find, and a string to replace it with), but I use them in different ways.
I have more than just 'ReplaceAll()', I want multiple versions of several different functions. (Since I can always implement one function by calling the other, it doesn't introduce code bloat, and bug-fixes or optimizations to one automatically effect the other).

The first is useful for passing as parameters, such as this type of situation: (Supposing ToLower() is the function we are talking about)
map[ String::ToLower(key) ] = value;

It works well. If it didn't return a value, I'd have to do this:
std::string lowercaseKey = key;
map[ lowercaseKey ] = value;

That makes code less clear when doing a series of operations, because you have boilerplate lines for every operation of the function, instead of just having each operation be self-explanatory.

However, when I'm operating on a single value, or a series of values, I don't want to go like this:
str = Operation(str);
str = SecondOperation(str);
str = OtherOperation(str);
str = NextOperation(str);

I would much rather do the following, for code readability:


But I can't have two different versions of the same function named the same thing, for two reasons:
1) It'd be confusing to read. Which version am I calling here, version A, or version B?
2) C++ wouldn't allow it, even if I wanted it - the function parameters are too identical so the function names would collide.

So what would you call the two functions to distinguish them?
I was thinking something like,
ReplaceAllOn(str, ...) //Operates 'on' str, and returns void.
ReplaceAllFrom(str, ...) //Operates on a copy of str, and returns the copy.

Another possibility is using pointers for the 'operate on' version of functions, letting the & symbol indicate what's going on.
ReplaceAll(&str, ...)
str = ReplaceAll(str, ...)

However, I prefer using references when I know the variable address won't change during the function, and there's still the possibility of accidentally going:
ReplaceAll(str, ...) //Returning a copy, and having no effect, because you forgot the '&' so it called the wrong function. Hard to spot mistake when scanning code visually.

What I'd really love is a compiler error if I'm using the wrong function, but I can't think of a way to make that happen.
Blah = OperateOn(blah); //Compiler error: Blah = void is invalid. (This error already works)
OperateOnCopyOf(blah); //Compiler error: You're not assigning the return value to anything, you moron! (Sadly, this error my compiler doesn't inform me of)

I would perhaps argue that this should be avoided. There should be one idiomatic usage in the code that is consistent.

That said, I would use something like ReplaceAllOn, ReplaceAllInplace or ReplaceAllMutating. Why? Mutating behavior should be the less preferred version, so should have the more annoying name. But it is similar behavior so should have the same beginning of the function name so it's next to the other one via intellisense/auto-doc and thus aiding in discover-ability.

The non-mutating version would be simply ReplaceAll.
Just about the technical side:

2) C++ wouldn't allow it, even if I wanted it - the function parameters are too identical so the function names would collide.[/quote]

C++ allows to overload on const and non-const references.
I'd second the "just have one way to do it" sentiment, plus the "if you have to, give the mutating version the less optimal name, such as an [font=courier new,courier,monospace]InPlace[/font] suffix" sentiment.
The Standard Library seems to prefer putting "copy" on the copy version and no suffix to the in place version (linky). But I don't really have an opinion.
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+1 for the _copy suffix. I would argue that it is the most idiomatic "c++" way of doing things, it's the approach taken by both the standard library and boost. As an example, take a look at the std::string member functions, the name of the function is the operation, and they are all mutating:

So I would expect the default behaviour of a function to be mutating, unless the name of the function specifies otherwise.

I agree that the convenience of the copy version and the fact that it takes next to no work to implement make it worth the while.

For some inspiration you might want to take a look at the boost string algorithms:
The thing std::string's functions having '_copy()' functions is because it's part of a class. My functions are free-floating - there's a difference in expected usage.

Mutating behavior should be the less preferred version

Why should it be less-preferred? I get the benefits of compiler-errors if I mistake it for the copy version ("Warning: Can't assign 'void' to 'std::string'"), but not vice-versa. Plus, it doesn't bother creating unneeded copies that it just discards. It's safer and faster, so why not prefer it?

What are your thoughts about using namespaces for this purpose?

string = String::Copy::ReplaceAll(string);

Or maybe having the mutate version just be String::ReplaceAll() and the copy versions of all the string functions, being the specialized versions, exist in String::Copy::ReplaceAll().

The thing std::string's functions having '_copy()' functions is because it's part of a class. My functions are free-floating - there's a difference in expected usage.

You might wanna look at <algorithm> (which I linked to in my first post).

Personally, I'd prefer to have them in the same namespace.
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]
For string mutation, you usually can't assume that the storage won't need to change size anyhow, so you probably end up doing a re-allocation internally anyhow. Just return the new string, and if you wish to over-write the old version, assign to it.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

Why should it be less-preferred? I get the benefits of compiler-errors if I mistake it for the copy version ("Warning: Can't assign 'void' to 'std::string'"), but not vice-versa. Plus, it doesn't bother creating unneeded copies that it just discards. It's safer and faster, so why not prefer it?

That C++ isn't good enough to return errors on unused return values isn't a mark against the practice of favoring mutating functions in general.

It's not safer. At least not in the ways that I value.

Mutating functions tend to cause side effects with other things that reference the object, causing harder to find bugs; for somethings this is expected behavior. For most things that are not literal objects (conceptually) it's not.
Mutating functions are far harder to test in isolation, causing more runtime errors.
Mutating functions are far harder to design with in a concurrent scenario, leading to more awkward code and/or worse bugs.
You can make mutating behavior by combining non-mutating behavior and assignment; you cannot make non-mutating behavior from a mutating function. This gives you more flexibility as things evolve.

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