C++ Win32 Winsock sending a file

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12 comments, last by BennettSteele 12 years, 2 months ago
XD i dont have any money to do anything like that. and if i did, i dont think it would be worth it since no body really plays my game. i mean, if you ever heard of N8, they started kinda like me... but once they started getting players and more money they could spend it on stuff like that. but for now, im trying to do it as easy and free as possible.
Could anyone post some example code for both the client and host that uses fstream to read,send,receive,and write binary files?
If it works for text files, and not for arbitrary data, then you must be relying on some property in text - an assumption that "binary" data violates. The most obvious example would be assuming that the 0 byte cannot occur in the data. That or accidentally treating the data as if it were a string, for example using the strlen() function.
Nevermind, works perfectly! :D
Im proud of myself.

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