Direct3DCreate9 causing problem

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1 comment, last by Simon Tremblay 12 years, 1 month ago
Recently,my computer got a strange error which said "api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll is missing".I believe it is caused by Direct3DCreate9 fuction.Meanwhile,this dll does not exsit in windows7.Some people say these problem happens when you have vs2010 sp1 and dxsdk(June 2010) both.I've uninstalled the relative files to nothing.Can somebody help?

I'v encountered the same problem here and I think it is after my installation of Visual Studio 11 Preview... The api-ms-win-core-registry file seems to be packaged in Windows 8 SDK...

I don't have any clue yet but the problem only occurs when I'm in D3D9 Debug runtime (selected in DirectX Control Panel).
Ok I think I found the problem. When I installed Visual Studio 11 Preview (I think) it installed d3d9d.dll of Windows 8 SDK also in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder.

Even if you uninstall / reinstall the DirectX SDK (June 2010) it will not override this version of d3d9d.dll because it is more recent than one in the DirectX June 2010 SDK...

So, I manually replace it by one installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Developer Runtime\x86 and now I can run and debug my D3D9 game when I activate debug D3D9 runtime from DirectX Control Panel...

Hope it will help you!

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