Tic Tac Toe Graphics

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0 comments, last by Justindano 12 years, 1 month ago

using namespace std;

//video attribuets
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;
const int SCREEN_BPP = 32;

SDL_Surface* screen = NULL;
SDL_Surface* background = NULL;
SDL_Surface* All = NULL;

SDL_Event event;

SDL_Rect board[9];

SDL_Surface* load_image(string filename)
//temporarily store image
SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL;

//optimize Image
SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL;

//load image
loadedImage = IMG_Load(filename.c_str());

if(loadedImage != NULL)
//optimize Image
optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat(loadedImage);

//free old surface

if(optimizedImage != NULL)
SDL_SetColorKey( optimizedImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB( optimizedImage->format, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF ) );

//return image
return optimizedImage;

void apply_surface(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* source, SDL_Surface* destination)
//create rectangel
SDL_Rect offset;

offset.x = x;
offset.y = y;

//blit screen
SDL_BlitSurface(source, NULL, destination, &offset);

bool init()
//initlize everyting
return false;


//if screen didn't work
if(screen == NULL)
return false;

//if no errors
return true;

bool load_files()
background = load_image("board.png");
All = load_image("Picture.png");

if(background == NULL)
return false;

if(All == NULL)
return false;

//if no errors
return true;

void clean_up()

void set_clips()
board[ 0 ].x = 0;
board[ 0 ].y = 0;
board[ 0 ].w = 175;
board[ 0 ].h = 155;

board[ 1 ].x = 182;
board[ 1 ].y = 0;
board[ 1 ].w = 175;
board[ 1 ].h = 155;

board[ 2 ].x = 367;
board[ 2 ].y = 0;
board[ 2 ].w = 175;
board[ 2 ].h = 155;

board[ 3 ].x = 0;
board[ 3 ].y = 160;
board[ 3 ].w = 175;
board[ 3 ].h = 155;

board[ 4 ].x = 182;
board[ 4 ].y = 160;
board[ 4 ].w = 175;
board[ 4 ].h = 155;

board[ 5 ].x = 367;
board[ 5 ].y = 160;
board[ 5 ].w = 175;
board[ 5 ].h = 155;

board[ 6 ].x = 0;
board[ 6 ].y = 325;
board[ 6 ].w = 175;
board[ 6 ].h = 155;

board[ 7 ].x = 182;
board[ 7 ].y = 325;
board[ 7 ].w = 175;
board[ 7 ].h = 155;

board[ 8 ].x = 367;
board[ 8 ].y = 325;
board[ 8 ].w = 175;
board[ 8 ].h = 155;

class PictureX
SDL_Surface* m_pImage; //pointer to the image
SDL_Rect* pSurface[9];

void testImage(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* destination);
void handle_events();
bool checkWinner();


m_pImage = load_image("X.png");

bool PictureX::checkWinner()
if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[1] == &board[1]) && (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[3] == &board[3]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[5] == &board[5]))
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) && (pSurface[7] == &board[7]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[3] == &board[3]) && (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;
if( (pSurface[1] == &board[1]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[7] == &board[7]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) && (pSurface[5] == &board[5]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

void PictureX::handle_events()
//mouse offset
int x = 0, y = 0;

if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
if(event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
//get mouse offsets
x = event.motion.x;
y = event.motion.y;

if( (x > board[0].x) && (x < board[0].x + board[0].w) && (y > board[0].y) && (y < board[0].y + board[0].h) )
pSurface[0] = &board[0];
testImage(board[0].x, board[0].y, screen);

if( (x > board[1].x) && (x < board[1].x + board[1].w) && (y > board[1].y) && (y < board[1].y + board[1].h) )
pSurface[1] = &board[1];
testImage(board[1].x, board[1].y, screen);

if( (x > board[2].x) && (x < board[2].x + board[2].w) && (y > board[2].y) && (y < board[2].y + board[2].h) )
pSurface[2] = &board[2];
testImage(board[2].x, board[2].y, screen);

if( (x > board[3].x) && (x < board[3].x + board[3].w) && (y > board[3].y) && (y < board[3].y + board[3].h) )
pSurface[3] = &board[3];
testImage(board[3].x, board[3].y, screen);

if( (x > board[4].x) && (x < board[4].x + board[4].w) && (y > board[4].y) && (y < board[4].y + board[4].h) )
pSurface[4] = &board[4];
testImage(board[4].x, board[4].y, screen);

if( (x > board[5].x) && (x < board[5].x + board[5].w) && (y > board[5].y) && (y < board[5].y + board[5].h) )
pSurface[5] = &board[5];
testImage(board[5].x, board[5].y, screen);

if( (x > board[6].x) && (x < board[6].x + board[6].w) && (y > board[6].y) && (y < board[6].y + board[6].h) )
pSurface[6] = &board[6];
testImage(board[6].x, board[6].y, screen);

if( (x > board[7].x) && (x < board[7].x + board[7].w) && (y > board[7].y) && (y < board[7].y + board[7].h) )
pSurface[7] = &board[7];
testImage(board[7].x, board[7].y, screen);

if( (x > board[8].x) && (x < board[8].x + board[8].w) && (y > board[8].y) && (y < board[8].y + board[8].h) )
pSurface[8] = &board[8];
testImage(board[8].x, board[8].y, screen);

void PictureX::testImage(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* destination)
//create rect offset
SDL_Rect offset;

offset.x = x;
offset.y = y;

SDL_BlitSurface(m_pImage, NULL, screen, &offset);

class PictureO : public PictureX
SDL_Surface* m_pImage;
SDL_Rect* pSurface[9];

void testImage(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* destination);
void handle_events();
bool checkWinner();


m_pImage = load_image("O.png");

void PictureO::testImage(int x, int y, SDL_Surface* destination)
//create recet
SDL_Rect offset;

offset.x = x;
offset.y = y;

SDL_BlitSurface(m_pImage, NULL, destination, &offset);

bool PictureO::checkWinner()
if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[1] == &board[1]) && (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[3] == &board[3]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[5] == &board[5]))
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) && (pSurface[7] == &board[7]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[3] == &board[3]) && (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;
if( (pSurface[1] == &board[1]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[7] == &board[7]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) && (pSurface[5] == &board[5]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[2] == &board[2]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[6] == &board[6]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

if( (pSurface[0] == &board[0]) && (pSurface[4] == &board[4]) && (pSurface[8] == &board[8]) )
apply_surface(325, 320, All, screen);
return true;

void PictureO::handle_events()
//mouse offset
int x = 0, y = 0;

if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
if(event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
//get mouse offsets
x = event.motion.x;
y = event.motion.y;

if( (x > board[0].x) && (x < board[0].x + board[0].w) && (y > board[0].y) && (y < board[0].y + board[0].h) )
pSurface[0] = &board[0];
testImage(board[0].x, board[0].y, screen);

if( (x > board[1].x) && (x < board[1].x + board[1].w) && (y > board[1].y) && (y < board[1].y + board[1].h) )
pSurface[1] = &board[1];
testImage(board[1].x, board[1].y, screen);

if( (x > board[2].x) && (x < board[2].x + board[2].w) && (y > board[2].y) && (y < board[2].y + board[2].h) )
pSurface[2] = &board[2];
testImage(board[2].x, board[2].y, screen);

if( (x > board[3].x) && (x < board[3].x + board[3].w) && (y > board[3].y) && (y < board[3].y + board[3].h) )
pSurface[3] = &board[3];
testImage(board[3].x, board[3].y, screen);

if( (x > board[4].x) && (x < board[4].x + board[4].w) && (y > board[4].y) && (y < board[4].y + board[4].h) )
pSurface[4] = &board[4];
testImage(board[4].x, board[4].y, screen);

if( (x > board[5].x) && (x < board[5].x + board[5].w) && (y > board[5].y) && (y < board[5].y + board[5].h) )
pSurface[5] = &board[5];
testImage(board[5].x, board[5].y, screen);

if( (x > board[6].x) && (x < board[6].x + board[6].w) && (y > board[6].y) && (y < board[6].y + board[6].h) )
pSurface[6] = &board[6];
testImage(board[6].x, board[6].y, screen);

if( (x > board[7].x) && (x < board[7].x + board[7].w) && (y > board[7].y) && (y < board[7].y + board[7].h) )
pSurface[7] = &board[7];
testImage(board[7].x, board[7].y, screen);

if( (x > board[8].x) && (x < board[8].x + board[8].w) && (y > board[8].y) && (y < board[8].y + board[8].h) )
pSurface[8] = &board[8];
testImage(board[8].x, board[8].y, screen);

class TicTacBoard
PictureO boardO;
PictureX boardX;
int playerTurn;

void playGame();
void checkWinner();

TicTacBoard(int turn = 1);

TicTacBoard::TicTacBoard(int turn):

void TicTacBoard::playGame()
if(playerTurn == 1)
playerTurn += 1;

else if(playerTurn == 2)
playerTurn -= 1;

int main(int argc, char* args[])
bool quit = false;

if(init() == false)
return 1;

if(load_files() == false)
return 1;


TicTacBoard myBoard;

apply_surface(0, 0, background, screen);

//mouse offsets
int x = 0, y = 0;

while(quit == false)
//while there's evetns to handle

if(event.type == SDL_QUIT)
quit = true;


if(SDL_Flip(screen) == -1)
return 1;


return 0;


So I'm trying to make a tic tac toe game using sdl, but I'm having troubles changing which player turn it is. It changes players turn but it doesn't do it properly. Like X will go 2 times then O goes once. Any idea how I could ? Also if there's way to make this code better let me know smile.png
I didn't see your code fully yet, But for the mouse click, you could wrap everything in a function like,

bool MouseOnTop( int objectX, int objectY, int objectW, int objectH, int mouseX, int mouseY )
if( mouseX < objectX || mouseY < objectY )
return false;
if( mouseX > objectX+objectW || mouseY > objectY+objectH )
return false;

return true;

//And then call the function whenever wanted like, MouseOnTop(board[0].x, board[0].y .... whatever);

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