Pointer to object

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0 comments, last by Justindano 12 years, 1 month ago
Say I'm creating a game that has two classes. The player class and enemy class. The player makes a choice, and the enemy has to make a choice as based on the players. For example, in Pokemon you choose your starting pokemon, if you pick a Cyndaquil or Charmander, your rival will automatically pick a Squirtable or Totodile. How would I do that ?
I'm a bit confused on what you said, But as far as i read.

class Player
bool charmander;
void SetPokemon();
bool getChoice();

charmander = false;

void Player::SetPokemon()
if( //condtions met here.. )
charmander = true;

bool Player::getChoice()
return charmander;

class Enemy
void SetPokemon( bool choice );

int main()
Player thisPlayer;
Enemy thisEnemy;
//Do all the stuff;

Or you can simply use Inheritance to just directly acces the boolean choice and update everything in the enemy class. Its all upto you.

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