How can I create a text based adventure game?

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20 comments, last by rip-off 9 years, 1 month ago

The most obvious place to look:

For example:

Too many projects; too much time


Not so much a tutorial on the genre, but I built a mini text adventure as a step in the process, documented here.

A thread for the ages...

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
Start by writing a one room text adventure.

Add a room.

Rinse repeat.

To the OP, if you think that a text game is easier to do than a graphical one, you may be mistaken.


A text adventure is probably the most focused type of game you can make. The complexity of assets like textures, models, animations, whatever is not there. :)

You can concentrate on the text, the logic and the code.

That sounds easier in my ears.

Too many projects; too much time

Well, I've been wanting to make one for years, but...

D'oh - did not notice that the OP posted this in 2012 biggrin.pnglaugh.png

Too many projects; too much time

I've actually been wanting to make one for years, but I've also had that pic waiting for years... Perfect timing! I get to use that pic and this thread might just spur me on to make a text adventure game! Now I just need a story. But that's a topic for another thread in another forum...

As a side note, although completely relevant, the forum software alerts you when you are about to post in a thread older than 60 days:

We should change it to also warn if the topic itself is over a certain age.

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

I disagree. They lost favor with the introduction of interactive computer graphics, but the lack of graphics makes the developer focus on the story; Something that I think has been lost. The lack of graphics has one other advantage and that is that you must actually think to win. Depending on the amount of time spent developing the story and world, they can be even more challenging than CGI-based games. You easily forget where you are in the world, what direction to go, what inventory you have. It's like playing Skyrim blindfolded. You have to use your imagination and memory. You need both of those less with visuals.

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