[Help] Suggest me...!

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8 comments, last by fotogames 11 years, 10 months ago
hi all, i m a student of MCS(masters in computer sciences).... i m in final semester and got a final year project to develop a 3D game using C++ or C#... meanwhile i found DarkGDK... but now i m stuck in that... no one is helping me in development even not from their forum... can anyone suggest me what to do...should i move to another engine??? if yes then which.... my programming skills r not so good... i m a good 3D designer and animator... can anyone help me... if some one help me in GDK existing project than i can provide complete source code....

See screenshot of my game...
What do you need to know? / What do you need? From what I've read, you're stuck in DarkGDK but you haven't said where. Also, looking at the screenshots both of them looking pretty good. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for/what we're suppose to look for here.
I think you've gotten in over your head. I don't understand what exactly you want, but it seems that you tried an engine editor and hit a wall, now you are giving up on the idea of developing with said engine. It's a bad sign if you are actually telling us if you should switch engines. This is the kind of stuff you deal with before starting a project and make sure it fits your requirements and that you have the technical skills to use it.

How can you be in a masters in computer sciences and have no "skill" in programming? Electrical engineers are asked to handle C fairly well while Mathematicians use Matlab/Mathematica for algorithms. Programming is just a tool at this level.

Lastly, all of us at university are associated with a mentor for our final project. Don't you have someone at school that can help you?

[size=1]I "surf" the web, literally.

I m facing some problems,
1) I m not getting any kind of collisions in it, even using its known library sparky's collision...
2) my bullet fire function is not working properly and cannot detect bullet hit etc as there are no collisions...

the answer of my noob programming skill is, my teacher did not not teach advanced programming...they just waste time... the little bit programming skill I have is just bcoz of tutorials on internet....
Have you looked up how collisions works for the language you're using? / Or the game engine.
yes i almost tried every thing
Well from the sounds of it it's only your collision (Maybe?)
Can you post the code that detects collision?

the answer of my noob programming skill is, my teacher did not not teach advanced programming...they just waste time... the little bit programming skill I have is just bcoz of tutorials on internet....

Wow, sounds like you've been wasting your time attending this program if that's the calibre of instruction for a "Masters in Computer Science" curriculum. So, either there's a language barrier / translation issue here with the program title, or the school needs to have its accreditation pulled (if it even has any).

As for your engine woes, how much have you written yourself as compared to importing/using existing code? If you're still at the point of thinking you should switch engines, I'd hope you hadn't committed too much work to the project yet. To help your selection process, what language have you used the most in your classes thus far? Or if you've done more coding outside of classwork, what language are you most comfortable with?

Hazard Pay :: FPS/RTS in SharpDX (gathering dust, retained for... historical purposes)
DeviantArt :: Because right-brain needs love too (also pretty neglected these days)

using the sparky's collision library
i use
[source lang="cpp"]SC_SetupObject(10,1,0); // 10 is object ID and 1 is group and 0 is object type which is polygon[/source]

and same on enemy and walls

and in main loop i wrote

[source lang="cpp"]SC_Start();[/source]

to start collision

and in While GDK loop

i update those objects

[source lang="cpp"]SC_UpdateObject(10);[/source]

like this

This brings up memories lol :') Some things you might want to pay attention to:

1. You should make sure the objects you want to check collision with are in the same group (just making sure)
2. For bullets it's best if you use something like SC_rayCastGroup or SC_rayCast. If you need help or an explanation you can ask smile.png
3. I don't think using type polygon is good for your FPS; iirc you should only use it for maps and such. For players, walls, or other in-game objects, using type sphere or box is faster and more efficient, and it won't change the actual gaming experience. If you experience low fps because of the large amount of polygons of the world, you should consider using a collision map for the world.
4. For moving your character you should use SC_sphereSlide, if you need help with that you can ask too I guess haha.

That's about it. If I'm wrong please correct me, I used Sparkys a lot quite some time ago so I might've forgotten a few things tongue.png Oh, and if you don't have the docs with information about the functions, you can find those here: http://forum.thegame...iew&t=74762&b=5 (reading through them might make you understand better how sparkys works). And feel free to ask I guess? xD I hope I'm not being to bossy lol. Oh, and don't forget the underscores, they're needed in DarkGDK, right? xD

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