Alternative minecraft

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105 comments, last by bvanevery 10 years, 1 month ago

If you're still following this topic: I finally wrote and published the early-dev version of the game. It's name is Surviverse.

Link to official website:


This might sound really dumb, but couldn't you just make a Minecraft mod with giant players and mobs rather than writing a whole new game that tries to shrink the blocks?

Sounds really dumb from the standpoint of making money on your own game. But from a modding only standpoint, maybe it would work, who knows.

gamedesign-l pre-moderated mailing list. Preventing flames since 2000! All opinions welcome.

I fear I may have come to this topic late as you seem well underway with development already. but from i can see in this thread theres a few people mentioning ideas i have been thinking about myself which would drastically improve mine craft.

specifically the idea of moving around the map. the thing i really liked about minecraf was the machines people build and i think thats an element that needs more focus. also the idea of only be able to transport certains quantaties of material on your charachter and thus requiring vehicles/machines to help with transportation.

i imagine a game not so much focused on digging and placing blocks but more about assembling machines from wheels , drive shafts, power sources so on. I could also see the game not so much revolving around mining and crafting but salvaging elements from structures (say the games premise is that of a post apocalyptic world (standard zombie/mutant population)

although some of the minecraft building elements would be present. the main aim of the game would be survive to aid your survival with machines. so machines for mining, gathering food, defending yourself. the idea of salvage would require alot more focus on seaching the surface of the world for ruined structures.

i also think the game would need much improved water simulation to minecraft and also posibly the element of wind. as these are both useful sources of power for transport or otherwise.

basically if you think of minecraft as lego. i think the world needs lego technics

I watched a samurai movie yesterday called "13 Assassins". They fortify this entire village into a big series of gags to take out a numerically superior enemy. It made me wonder, if someone gives you a forest and a blade, how many weapons can you make out of that? The answer is infinitely many; the question is how you can do that level of imagination justice in a game. Any specific one of their gags could have been "canned" in a game, but how does a player invent their own gags? For your contemplation.

gamedesign-l pre-moderated mailing list. Preventing flames since 2000! All opinions welcome.


That sounds less helpful in email when the link isn't preserved. I played a space station builder game a long time ago, I think it eventually became ShortHike. I thought it was a much better builder game than anything I did in Minecraft Alpha. That more recent game you've linked to, could have promise. There are plenty of ways to do a builder game that don't involve voxels. Part of why I hated MA so much is because I'd played several better IMO builder games in the past. But I guess new generations of gamers don't know what I know, they just start playing with a blank slate.

gamedesign-l pre-moderated mailing list. Preventing flames since 2000! All opinions welcome.

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