Help to find a name for a video game company

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10 comments, last by Stormynature 11 years, 10 months ago

Please rephrase the question. Are you asking people to invent company names for you?

No, I just need some help to find name ideas, to give me a lead.

A great author on creativity is Roger Von Oechs. See FAQ 8 on my site for titles.

-- Tom Sloper --

I truly hope that the creative side of your future game creations is nowhere near as difficult for you. Below are some links with regard practical lessons/things to keep in mind while choosing a name. At the end of the day you guys really need to come up with your own name. Something that you have a sense of ownership over and don't necessarily discount ridiculous suggestions from within your team at first glance. Valve as a game name is nothing special...but everyone knows it. Furthermore when Valve created Steam, it's name also is nothing special, but the word and mental associations with Valve (i.e. steam valve) serve to create a stronger brand awareness. Define who you are as a culture and where you are headed then decide what it is you want the rest of the world to see about you. Just remember 30 years from now when your game studio is a triple A rated will still live with this identity...unless of course you rebrand yourselves.

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