Particle System...

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0 comments, last by japro 11 years, 9 months ago
Alright, I know that there's many tutorials out there for particles systems\engines, but what I'm finding is that most tutorials include a lot of crap that isn't actually relevant to particle systems or it's a series of tutorials where each new tutorial is based off of the previous one, which means I have to backtrack to see what's going on, or it's not OpenGL based. There's also so many different ways to go about writing a particle system.

Right now, all I really want is an animated blue flame so that I can put multiple flames on the screen through multiple uses of one class or something, and possibly a smoke effect like the kind you'd see spread over an entire field in a game. Does anyone know of a good tutorial that could stand on its own without the need of other tutorials before it and is relatively simple?
I have some very bare bones code here:
examples 07-09 are particle system to some extent. There isn't a whole lot to it actually... just just draw lots of billboarded quads at the particle positions. Everything else like how you want the particles to move, be shaded etc. is up to you. In that code up there I use a geometry shader for the rendering, you could just as well use instancing or even explicit quads.

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