Cross platform filepath naming conventions

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10 comments, last by Servant of the Lord 11 years, 10 months ago
I very much doubt Linux has a problem with ( and ). One or more shells might interpret them as having special meaning, but that has nothing to do with the filesystem(s) Linux uses. All command shells have such special characters (for which an escaping mechanism is provided). Same for OS X.

The fact that QtCreator doesn't handle these characters correctly is almost certainly a bug (or it too requires escape sequences you are thus far unaware of).
It's actually GNU mingw 'make' that was having the problem with parentheses in paths (I had forgotten, it was two weeks ago), which QtCreator runs as part of the compiling process, QtCreator itself handles the filepaths fine. *shrugs*

Hmm, alright, thanks for all the help guys. Looks like it's just the tools that were choking on the symbols, not the OSes themselves. I'll just continue to use parentheses and commas, but will maybe use Zip archives for actual release. I really appreciate the help.

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