What's the best "new" technology to learn first? CUDA, HLSL, DX11 trickery? Option D?

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0 comments, last by Radikalizm 11 years, 9 months ago
I'd like to catch up on some of the latest graphics technologies, specifically some of the neat tricks that have come out in the past 4-5 years. But I've been caught up on which would be the best to learn, as it looks like there is a lot of varied platform independent stuff and a LOT of new advances. I have a decent, which is to say not very decent, understanding of beginner DirectX and OpenGL features. I'd like to dive into something more technical and cool. Advice welcome! rolleyes.gif
I wouldn't exactly call HLSL a new technology since it's been around for quite some time now, and knowledge of HLSL is essential when programming in DirectX 10 and onward, so if you're not familiar with HLSL yet that would probably be the perfect starting point.

Your question in general is quite vast, as in that it's hard to give a direct answer seeing the countless amount of varying applications the techniques you mentioned have.
If it's really your goal to experiment with more advanced graphics topics you should probably start by looking up research papers and other publications about the specific techniques you want to implement. When you have an understanding of how a certain technique works it'll be up to you to decide which technologies you're going to use to implement it, and you could possibly use GPGPU solutions (ie. CUDA, OpenCL, DirectCompute, etc.) if they would provide a benefit in your implementation.

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