Real time enemy/team AI and turn based enemy/team AI complexity difference

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10 comments, last by AoS 11 years, 9 months ago

Dude... listen to us a second... your question is impossible to answer. AI is exactly what you make of it -- if you write complex code, it is complex. If you write simple code it is simple. Your entire premise is based on something that is not even defined. Stop worrying about it.

Okay, fair enough. I actually just coded some simple thing to see what I'll be looking at. A little test. It feels like this is going to be relatively less complex than what the other guy wants anyway. haha

Thanks guys. Sorry if I sounded like an idiot.
Developers, developers, developers, developers.
I can't even imagine an AI that would be able to beat a human at Dominions 3, so I would say that turn based is not at all simple.
Real time usually has more pathfinding issues as well as you can't have a 10 minute long update like Dominions 3 has for the AI in very long games.

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