Game Loop timings coming up slow?

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9 comments, last by SimonForsman 11 years, 9 months ago

would it really oversleep by a rather consistent 66ms?
5 I could deal with 10 I could deal with 15 - 20 is the expected, but over 60 ms?
with 30FPS needing 33ms loops 60ms is a dramatic frame drop.

how much difference would using a simple while(under ideal frame length) loop make?
and would it be plausible to use the while loop as I build the game up on windows and then swap to sleep in later development where I may test it on an android device?

With the emulator nothing is strange, yes you can leave out the sleeping for now if it causes problems with the emulator (its only purpose is to avoid draining the battery afterall),

a simple while loop should make things more stable with the emulator, it might still be hard to hit 60fps in the emulator though (atleast once your app starts doing things), The emulator is very slow (+ you're most likely running the emulator with a debugger attached which slows it down even more)
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
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