Good tutorials for learning Java?

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3 comments, last by ThinkingsHard 11 years, 7 months ago
Hello. I'm looking to learn Java on my own. I have the textbook "Big Java 4th edition" by Cay Horstman, however seeing as we're on the internet, is there anyplace that can also really teach me a good deal? I'd greatly appreciate any and all tutorials, especially stuff that starts out easy and continues moving into harder and harder stuff. Also, I am attempting some Game Design (I don't want to be just a game designer, however I felt it was a great way to start learning) so anything java related in that area would also help.

Furthermore, and tips, or advice regarding Java would be greatly appreciated


Java for Dummies helped me learn pretty quickly, but I also had a pretty deep knowledge in other programming languages.

As far as gaming is concerned, you should try reading "Killer Game Programming". It's pretty old but it is still very helpful.
why dont you give a try to the toutorials of the new boston for java i really learnt a lot from his toutorials
I'll second Uzumakis comment above. TheNewBoston (you can find him on YouTube, or at is a great beginners guide to the language. He has ~150 5-10 minute tutorials on just Java, and then another ~25 or so pertaining to game design. He also has C++, C#, python, and tutorials for other languages, so if you're looking to be well versed in programming, you can learn the basics of a lot of languages in one place. I have been through all of the Java ones, and in conjunction with a textbook I've been reading (Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel) I feel I have learned the basics pretty quickly.

Another site set up in almost the same way is I only watched the first couple (as I had already gone through the whole new boston series) so I can't comment on the entirity of the tutorials, but from the first couple they had a very similar style to the new boston. My advice: take a look at the first couple of each, and see whose style you like better.

Another recomendation I would have is to pick up a book on design patterns at some point (I haven't seen any good tutorials on these, but I haven't really looked.) One thing I noticed in going through all the tutorials, and my other text book was that I found myself understanding Java, at least the syntax of it, but not having a clue what objects I needed, or how to structure them, etc. I felt reading up on design patterns (and generic Object Oriented principles) in conjunction with learning the language made things a lot easier to conceptualize and understand.
Thanks EpicWally for putting more sense into Uzumaki's post. Also thank you for the additional information, what you said is understandable.

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