Is XNA dying and MS forcing to C++?

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123 comments, last by viper110110 11 years, 7 months ago
I have heard that XNA is not going anywhere. In a few months there will be a new XNA for VS 2012, that is what I have been told.
if (Try()) Do();
else DoNot();

I have heard that XNA is not going anywhere. In a few months there will be a new XNA for VS 2012, that is what I have been told.

if you don't tell us who told you that.. your post is quite useless tbh.

Stefano Casillo
TWITTER: [twitter]KunosStefano[/twitter]
AssettoCorsa - netKar PRO - Kunos Simulazioni

Microsoft have made no mention of anything on the subject so everything is just heresay. Even the death of XNA is although we can assume that the lack of comments regarding XNA from any microsoft devs shows XNA is being phased out although in this thread we have listed quite a few alternatives.

ANX and monogame being the ones with the closest feel to XNA yet still being actively developed (and arguably better)
Well, if something new is coming out soon, I hope it is based on SharpDX.

Btw, I heard MSFT is looking for devs in order to create a common compiler for C++ and C#. If this is true, then when the compiler gets done, there would be no real perf diference between the two languages.
I was recently at a game competition and a Microsoft rep came to visit. Not sure how much she knew about internal developments, but when I spoke of XNA dying she recommended monogame and/or SharpDX.

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