Visualization of Corner-point grids

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0 comments, last by apatriarca 11 years, 7 months ago
Hi guys

Sorry for a stupid question, first of all. I would like to visualize a "corner-point grids" ( model using OpenGL only, but looks like it's not so obvious as I thought before :) .
Typical model looks like this :



So, am I right in thinking, that OpenGL doesn't provide "hidden surface removal" solutions and I have to implement all that stuff on CPU (I mean all that terible words : BSP trees, z-buffers, painter's algoritms etc) instead of using my GPU?

Or may be someone can give me advice how to visualize such models, that would be really cool :)

I think depth buffers (what you call z-buffers) are available in OpenGL since version 1.0. You can also enable backface culling to automatically discard faces which are not oriented toward the camera. If these operations aren't enough for your application, you still have to implement other hidden surface removal solutions by yourself (not necessarily on the CPU though).

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