In game Minimap Issue

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12 comments, last by riuthamus 11 years, 6 months ago
So, we are attempting to make an in game minimap. Right now we have it fully working but the issue is we are unable to add sprites to it for some reason ( for waypoints and such ). We want to add the ability for a player, or the system, to add sprites on top of the map as guidance markers. In doing so we are getting the following issue:


Some more information that might help you:

  • im rendering a textured quad and its not showing up
  • depth-read is off
  • backface culling is off

Any thoughts?
Is there by chance front face culling and you've ordered the vertex's wrong? Or maybe you've left it with a projection matrix rather than an orthographic matrix?
Nah, there is no culling at all
It could either be a problem with:
- Backface / Frontface Culling
- Scissor Rectangles
- Depth / Stencil State and / or -Buffer
- The Viewport

My guess is, that your viewport might be wrong or not assigned at all.
your w component is 0
cant this be problem ?

your w component is 0
cant this be problem ?

Indeed, it was! great job... thank you for the help
Eh, one more issue...

how to position it (wavepoints) based on world coordinates without being affected by the orthographic camera's "zoom level"
Also, just to add, the way we are using the minimap is a camera that projects what it sees to the minimap object.
Sounds like you're essentially in need of a picking solution, just not with the "main" camera as the owner of the matrices used for the screen-to-world unproject call. Off-the-cuff, I would guess you need to first calculate what the "screen" (relative to the minimap as the screen) position of the clicked point is based on zoom level (i.e. the bounds of the clicked area represent smaller ranges at higher zoom levels), and then unproject that screen point into world coordinates.

Hazard Pay :: FPS/RTS in SharpDX (gathering dust, retained for... historical purposes)
DeviantArt :: Because right-brain needs love too (also pretty neglected these days)

We're not placing the waypoints on the map by clicking it. The issue is the orthographic transform affects the display size of the waypoint. If you zoom out, the waypoint is really tiny, if you zoom in, its huge. We would like the size of the waypoint to remain constant.

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