Using boost serialization to send a vector.

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1 comment, last by hplus0603 11 years, 6 months ago
I've run into a real problem with regards to sending serialized vectors over a socket. A simplified example of what I'm doing:


#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>

struct someObject
int i;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & i;

struct OutStream
std::vector <someObject> someVector;

template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & someVector;

// Another part of the code

// Serialise
std::stringstream archive_stream;
boost::archive::text_oarchive archive(archive_stream);
archive << outStream;

// Send
sendto(ServerSocket, archive_stream.str().c_str(), strlen(archive_stream.str().c_str())...


#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>

struct someObject
int i;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & i;

struct InStream
std::vector <someObject> someVector;

template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & someVector;

// Another part of the code
// Deserialize
archive_stream << temp;
boost::archive::text_iarchive archive(archive_stream);
ZeroMemory(&inStream, sizeof(inStream));
archive >> inStream;


However when I run this, on the server side, either it doesn't send proberly(lots of blank variables) or it says
Expression:vector iterator not dereferencable[/quote]

If it would help I can upload the whole source code (it's not that large). Any help is much appreciated!

I would recommend using a more specific type than int in your marshalling code. The meaning of int can change between platforms.

This line:

ZeroMemory(&inStream, sizeof(inStream));

looks questionable. I didn't see the definition of that function, but maybe you don't need to call that function.

If you are interested in switching to binary serialization, I could be of more help.
ZeroMemory() is the same thing as memset() with a 0 argument. You can only use it on POD (plain old data) values. Your InStream struct is not POD, as it contains a std::vector container.
What you probably want is instead:


Or, the idiomatic:


which is guaranteed to clean up any allocated memory right away, rather than just marking it as "use this next time something goes into this vector."
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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