How to add a building into bullet physics world?

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7 comments, last by Medo Mex 11 years, 6 months ago
I have made a complicated building in 3Ds Max and looking to load it into bullet physics, which collision shape should I be using to load the building mesh?

The mesh will be LPD3DXMESH.
btBvhTriangleMeshShape. But I recommend building a set of simple hulls instead (it has been that way for ages and it appears to work faster for me).

Previously "Krohm"

I tried btBvhTriangleMeshShape, it's not working, I see that other meshes are intersecting with the building.
What other meshes?

Previously "Krohm"

Other meshes include terrain (btBvhTriangleMeshShape), btConvexHull to load .x file box, etc...
I mean: how do you create them?
Of course nobody expects terrain to be moved away... or perhaps it should?

Previously "Krohm"

The terrain will not be moving, so it's mass is set to zero and I'm using one single terrain and trying to setup a building over it.

The terrain will not be moving, so it's mass is set to zero and I'm using one single terrain and trying to setup a building over it.

You terrain having 0 mass is a static object. So an object which do not move and allow other dynamic bodies to interact with.

If your building should also not move, then it should probably also be a static object, so a btRigidBody with also 0 mass. But you need to place that building yourself on a position in the world. So of course, depending where you place it, the terrain might intersect with it and this is perfectly fine. Static objects can intersect each other and won't affect the simulation.

Just make sure you do not place dynamic objects at initial position that intersect with static ones.

SO just build the shape of the building with simple shape for starting like the btBoxShape, then set the mass to 0 and create a btRigidBody with it.
Add it to the world at the position you want the building to be in the world and you are set.
@xexuxjy: Should the whole building be one single mesh even if the building is more than one floor (including the ladder)?

If I have 3-4 floors building for example, there will be a marble ladder like in the following photo:

How do I make the characters be able to move over the marble ladder?

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