particleSystems API

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0 comments, last by Bacterius 11 years, 5 months ago

I am new to these forums and I have a very simple, beginner question.

I am currently trying to set up an example program I found on so I can learn how to use particles.

The example program is in the 'API and documentation' download shown on the front page of the site.

I have added the necessary include file in project properties, but am not sure what to add for the 'additional libraries'. Usually I just add the 'lib' folder, but I can't find one in the folder. How can I find out what needs to be added to the "include additional libraries" field under project properties? Obviously the program will not work until I do this.

I know this question is very specific, but any help/guidance would be appreciated.

I downloaded the zip, and, yeah, what a mess. I think you're supposed to build the ParticleLib project yourself, which'll produce a ParticleLib.lib static library which you can use in the examples. Like so:

1>------ Build started: Project: ParticleLib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1> Actions.cpp
1> ActionsAPI.cpp
1> OtherAPI.cpp
1> PInternalState.cpp
1> ParticleLib.vcxproj -> F:\Downloads\Particle221Src\Particle221Src\Particle2\Release\ParticleLib.lib
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

If the examples complain about various missing libraries (like TIFF libraries, etc... you can find them in the Goodies/Release_vc80-90 folder depending on your version of MSVC). Or you can download the corresponding projects and build them yourself, but from my experience it's a nightmare trying to build large-scale libraries under Windows with MSVC, especially since most of them were designed with GCC in mind.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

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