std::string and erase() to get data I need from string

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5 comments, last by fastcall22 11 years, 4 months ago

I have a string as follows


I want to grab each of the three values separately, so I can put them into a int variable.

I am not sure what std lib can do this for me?



You can use sscanf from stdio. It's like scanf, except it's used on a char* instead of stdin.

sscanf("640x480x32", "%dx%dx%d", &num1, &num2, &num3);

You can also write your own function to parse it.

But I have a feeling that it is possible to parse it with just string stream and a few << operators.

Yeah, if you already have the "640x480x32" in a string, you will have to perform tokenization in order to split it up into "Tokens". After that you can extract them as integers. Here is some code to do that:

#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()
   string u_numbers = "640x480x32";  //unformatted numbers
   string f_numbers; //formatted numbers
   vector <int> numbers; //final numbers in integer form
   stringstream ss;
   for(int i = 0; i < u_numbers.size(); i++)
      if( == 'x') //check if next character is the delimiter
         ss.put(' ');
         ss.put(; //Output the unformatted string to stringstream

   std::getline(ss, f_numbers); //Get all the data we just put into the stream and put it into another string

   std::istringstream iss(f_numbers); //create an integer string stream, fill the stream with the string of formatted numbers
   int n;

   while (iss >> n)
      numbers.push_back(n); //pull all the data from the iss and store it as integers in our vector

   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) //a little test to see if it works
      cout << numbers[i] << ' ';

return 0;

If you can rely on your input being formatted like that, just dump it in a stringstream and read it back.

const string res = "640x480x32";
int height, width, depth;
char delimiter;  

stringstream stream(res);
stream >> height >> delimiter >> width >> delimiter >> depth;

You could use getline and define 'x' as a delimiter, but then you get each number as a string and still need to convert to int.

You could use .ignore(1) instead of the dummy character, but it will look horrible to read.


Thanks all! Love to see so many different approachs!

Another approach (with regular expressions and boost lexical cast):

#include <regex>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

std::cmatch matches;
std::regex regExp("\\s{0,}([0-9]+)\\s{0,}x([0-9]+)\\s{0,}x\\s{0,}([0-9]+)\\s{0,}", std::regex_constants::icase);

if (std::regex_match("100X200 x 300", matches, regExp)) {
  unsigned int width = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(matches[1].str());
  unsigned int height = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(matches[2].str());
  unsigned int depth = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(matches[3].str());
With error checking:

struct ScreenResolution {
	int width, height, depth;

istream& operator >> ( istream& stream, ScreenResolution& r ) {
	ScreenResolution temp;
	array<char,2> delim;
	auto pos = stream.tellg();
	if ( (stream >> temp.width >> delim[0] >> temp.height >> delim[1] >> temp.depth) && count(delim.begin(),delim.end(),'x') == 2 )
		r = temp;
	else {
		stream.clear( stream.rdstate() | ios::failbit );
		stream.seekg( pos );
	return stream;

int main() {
	istringstream stream("800x600x32");
	ScreenResolution r;
	if ( stream >> r )
		cout << r.width << 'x' << r.height << 'x' << r.depth << endl;
		cout << "error" << endl;

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