Camera Zooming In and Out

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11 comments, last by Medo Mex 11 years, 4 months ago
Don't you want to decrease the FOV to zoom in, rather than increase it?

As Steve curiously asked, a small FOV should result in more zoom(And by asking, I'm sure it was more a question you should ask yourself). As Hodgman noted, a FOV of 0 results in just that. 0 field of view, your frustum essentially becomes a 2d slice(whose angle would depend on the aspect ratio), rather than a volume. A FOV = epsilon is the maximum zoom you could possibly get.

Sidenote: Hodgman, you asked if we could see the "weird textures" I'm guessing here, but are you expecting a moiré pattern?

@Burnt_Fyr: Exactly, when I zoom in sometimes I see a slight moiré pattern which make the texture looks weird.

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