Project: Alter Ego - Leveling/Stat Gain Mechanic

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23 comments, last by powerneg 11 years, 3 months ago

I'm not sure if its exactly what you're referring to, but learn-by-doing was implemented as recently as Skyrim - where continuously using a weapon or a skill made you become better at it.
There are players out there who did grind to improve their skill, but that doesn't matter in a single-player game (from all I've read, I'm still not entirely sure what Sinister is planning - single- or multi-player). It may be far more important and exploitable in a multiplayer game. But at least in a single player game like Skyrim, I haven't seen any major complaints about their weapon/skill leveling system.

Good point.

I supposed I was influenced too much by my personal abhorrence to having to grind in singleplayer. I feel its unrealistic and tiring that the optimal behavior is to set aside, grind, max out, then carry on with actual player. I really hated it in The Elder Scrolls : Daggerfall where one strategy is to rent a room at the inn to cast spells over and over for months until you maxed.

perhaps not simply casting a spell, but something more involved which is difficult for the player to contrive


casting a spells isnt simple for both the FFC user and the default player either. Cast time plays a big role ia weaving. Increasing your speed with the FFC would still cause it to be hard.

I wasn't really referring to the simplicity of casting a spell, but rather suggesting that perhaps events one level removed from the basic act of casting could make better experience triggers.

There are several factors which might influence the "grindability" of a system which rewards experience directly for casting. Maybe you could comment on the following:

  • Time/difficulty of casting. The weaving system may not be simple or easy, but how long does it
    realistically take to cast a spell? I assume we are talking about seconds, rather than minutes, if the spells are to be used during combat? Perhaps if your magic system were more akin to those historical charms/curses/protection spells involving lots of preparation ("bury an unfertilized egg at a crossroads during a full moon, wait for 30 days, dig it up while reciting this spell"...) then it would make sense to award experience directly for the act of casting. If spells can be cast in a matter of seconds, the other factors become more important:
  • Where/when can the player cast? Does the player need to be in combat in order to cast and gain experience? If so, are there a limited number of enemies around? Would it still be possible for a player to find a safe area and repeatedly weave a spell to gain experience? Are you ok with this? (I suppose it may be more realistic - mages probably spend long, lonely hours practicing - but is it behavior you want to encourage?). You may have covered this, but is there some scarce mana-like resource which would force the player to choose carefully which spells they cast and when?
  • How much experience does a player gain for a successful cast? I contend that spells would need to take a very long time to cast / offer very little EXP reward before players would be completely discouraged from grinding them, and instead use them where appropriate. Can a player cast the same spell repeatedly and still get the same experience gain each time? What about a cooldown period (or would this encourage a weird meta-game where the player casts all of their spells as soon as the cooldowns run out to maximize EXP gain, as time spent with a spell out of cooldown is essentially wasted EXP)?

The alternative I suggest you consider is to award experience by detecting somewhat more involved events. These might correspond to milestones in the career of a warrior/mage, such as:

  • The first kill
  • The first kill with a particular spell/weapon
  • The first kill without taking any damage
  • Killing an enemy by using an elemental spell combined with something in the environment (e.g. electrifying an enemy in a pool of water)
  • Incapacitating an enemy without killing them
  • Recovering from potentially fatal wounds
  • Saving the life of another character through healing

The idea is that these events are much less grindable as they are either one-time achievements or require situations which the player will not readily be able to set up for themselves. The player will naturally (even inevitably) find themselves in situations which allow them to achieve these skill milestones from time-to-time.

@Strewya Your words are a bit aggressive/confrontational. I know you most likely didn't mean any offense and there was none taken. But someone could easily get offended, especially when you're assuming you know something about their work for a fact but you only have a basic understanding. I can take the heat regardless, jus pointing it out.

Sorry if they came across that way, i was trying to be as much to the point as possible. The only people who would be offended by offering a different perspective and direct constructive criticism are the ones who can't take it.

You're over simplifying my concept by assuming you know the extent of the anti macro code. I explained it in simple terms and left out as much fluff as possible cuz not everybody wants to hear the technical side of things. There are plenty of checks and balances/measures put in place to make sure it doesn't punish proper players. I won't go into details cuz I honestly don't like having to reiterate technical aspects when they are misunderstood (don't mind doing so with concept/design stuff tho). If and when I get to a physical development point and this codes theory is implemented, I plan on doing extensive Q&A/testing on this specific aspect to make sure there are no unintended effects/bugs.

Ofcourse I'm assuming, you haven't given any info on the core of the "anti-macro" code, which is the actual detection process, only info on how you'd purge unneccessary info. If you provide more information on how you're planing on detecting these repeating actions without mistaking players for macros or macros for players, maybe people can give you more advice on it and more accurate predictions.

Designing things is all fine and dandy, but it often ignores things such as complexity, language barriers, your own knowledge limits, the effort required to get it working as intended (which is most often more than expected, for instance i thought just yesterday that i'd need half an hour to do a small script for fixing some subtitles for a tv show, ended with 2+ hours until i got it working) and whether it's worth that effort.

As for your comment that not everybody likes to hear about the technical aspects, i agree. However, most people on this forum like to *see* the technical aspects (those who don't would just skip that section). That's why your technical aspects are misunderstood, and if you'd post some (pseudo)code, the misunderstanding would go away.

Reason I emphasis "extensive combat" is because irl, I can still fight with bruises, just wouldn't wanna get hit or I'd probably stagger/flinch lol.. I've gone into sparring matches/fights while being bruised and I know for a fact that's what its like.

Have you ever been in a fight with a twisted ankle? A broken arm? Have you ever been in a sword fight where the opponent slashed you across the arm or chest? You have said numerous times that you train in martial arts, but have you ever fought an actual fight where it's not in a controlled fashion (dojos, trainings and such), and where the opponent is trying to seriously injure you and maybe even kill you, perchance with a sword or a gun?

If you have, then you probably know what i'm gonna write in my next paragraph, so feel free to ignore it.

Some time ago, in a thread i don't really remember the title of, miss sunandshadow wrote something in the lines of: "in real life, when the human body suffers injuries, it tends to perform worse as time goes on". Getting slashed across your chest/arm with a sword tends to make your arm either useless or really bad to do combat actions with, depending on the severity of the injury. Getting shot at with a gun will either outright kill you, make you unable to do anything due to the pain, die soon afterwards or severly impact your ability to move/continue fighting, also depending on where you got shot. Slight bruises are magnitudes less of a problem than bleeding to death during a fight is.

This is one of the reasons the majority of games tend to abstract the health system into a single health bar, without limiting your characters performance. If your system doesn't limit character performance due to injuries, then it's not realistic, so you probably shouldn't call it that. If your system *does* limit character performance due to injuries, then as soon as your character makes a mistake during a sword fight, he's going to die. If he manages to survive the fight and beats his opponent in spite of his serious injuries (adrenaline rush and such), then he might not be able to think straight and clean his wounds after bleeding out so much. If he does, then your system is not realistic, so you probably shouldn't call it that biggrin.png You get the point.

Also, if you're really going to make it as realistic as in my examples, then your game will severly punish players who have not mastered your control scheme or if their opponent got a lucky hit (having any sort of chance/RNG system here would be a very bad idea imho).

The fast forward mechanic is a good solution to not having to wait all that time to heal back up, and a nice touch, but it would fall short if the combat+health system is too realistic.

If you were going into a situation where proper tools/equipment were required (baking a cake> oven mitts) you wouldn't attempt it otherwise right?

With that thought in mind, would you go into a gun fight without a gun or bulletproof vest/body armor?

I wouldn't jump into a situation IRL if my acceptable state after said situation would be half-dead/in critical condition.

In A.E. I want the players to use realistic judgment according to how confident they feel about their own skills as well as their characters capabilities.. If I knew I could walk into a dungeon irl cuz my gear would protect me against the zombies inside and I was confident I had the fighting skills to take them on I would charge in there xD.. I wouldn't expect to need instant recovery aside from resting and catching my breath.. You wouldn't charge into a situation, or stick around for one where you were gonna barely make it out alive would you?

I agree, i wouldn't ever do that irl even if i had the required equipment. I don't have the constitution for that, nor the training, and neither does more than 70% of the worlds population (number straight out of my ass, but it's a good assumption tongue.png). The risk is too high. Games are here to provide a no-risk experience. However, that experience needs to be rewarding, otherwise players will, after a few deaths, move on to a game which is more rewarding. Unless your game is in the roguelike genre, where death is part of the fun... But imho that is really hard to pull off.

Based solely on the info you've given so far, my assumption is players will probably die after their first few fights, unless they're fights with wooden swords. But those can hurt too, even break arms if used right.

casting a spells isnt simple for both the FFC user and the default player either. Cast time plays a big role ia weaving. Increasing your speed with the FFC would still cause it to be hard.

If casting a spell is hard, then the results should be worth the effort, otherwise noone would cast them. Something to have in mind wink.png - Random stuff about my gamedev hobby

First off, I'd like to apologize (once again) to Sir Legendre. I don't like holding grudges nor do I feel you meant any disrespect (in restrospect) by WHAT you were saying even if HOW you said it came off a bit funky. I hope there are no hard feelings.


@Milcho/Legendre: The "learn by doing" systems HAVE improved but yes, their implementations often lead to "grinding" behaviors that I don't want to particularly encourage and which I wish to thoroughly adress/innovate. The concept is so natural yet it is never properly done.

I think the responsibility is on you to fully explain your concept/implementation.

Agreed but I'm kinda worried about gettinh flamed for the length of my post which has been brought up more than once now unsure.png It affects how detailed I get about things at times. I think I stick to topics quite well but I can't help the length sometimes especially when I respond to multiple people sleep.png


@Milcho/Legendre: To clarify, the game is intended to be largely single player but I do want to add multiplayer aspects (this is the sort of thing I'll consider but can easily cut out due to being realistic about implementation).

On grinding, the anti-macro code, and effective display/gain of expierience in skills:

Milcho hit the nail on the head about what I aim to do about displaying advancement in skill when he came to a few conclussions. In most situations the speed and nimbleness/dexterity (or lack there of) shown while carrying out a technique will be one of the indicators that show advancement/mastery and skill of said technique. This increased speed of exectution applies to all skills/techniques (melee, ranged [dexterous types] and spells) but the way I thought of it another method or two would have to be applied to spells if I were to stay consistant.

Spells gain additional animations as you become more masterful of them as well as damage and range/projectile speed (where it applies). A fireball may start off as a slow simple orb of fire without much flare/flash to it. Eventually it becomes a heat seeking, flaming mass of molten fiery goodness xD

I will answer some of the questions posed by WavyVirus and explain more about how expierience is tracked in my next concept post (the mastery/discipline system).

However, he brought up some good suggestions/questions which I'd like to address:

The weaving system may not be simple or easy, but how long does it
realistically take to cast a spell?

Simple spells would only take (estimation/example) .5-2 seconds to cast. Manual input would be the .5 example while "auto casting" would prop up a cast bar in a traditional sense marking the amount of time till completion of the spell. Casting speed increases with mastery of a spell (lets say 2.5 seconds for a fireball would end up at 1.5) in the "auto cast" method. The speed of a cast can take longer than intended in the FFC version but it is only limited by your comfort and familiarity with a spells motion. To balance casting speed of advanced mastery in a spell for the FFC versions I planned on implementing a "charge" mechanic to account for the strength/projectile distance of a spell.

The first kill
The first kill with a particular spell/weapon
The first kill without taking any damage
Killing an enemy by using an elemental spell combined with something in the environment (e.g. electrifying an enemy in a pool of water)
Incapacitating an enemy without killing them
Recovering from potentially fatal wounds
Saving the life of another character through healing

All great (amazing actually) suggestions which I will definitely take into account as bonus exp and/or achievements within game.

Thanks for that laugh.png


@Strewya I'll post a little more on what I'm proposing with the anti-macro code in my combat thread while answering some of Legendres' questions towards how I plan on trying to keep track of motions to implement it as well as generally bring about the mechanics in the combat system.

Now for your questions/comments on how realistic things would be:

I said "as realistic as possible while still keeping the game fun". Applying the effects of post adrenaline rush, disorientation due to substantial loss of blood and nerve shock from extreme pain is a bit extreme :-\ That would count as "too realistic" and subsequently take away from the fun factor as you said.

I actually have been in "do or die" situations before which I rather not bring up in detail. I've been lucky enough to never have been vitally/critically stabbed, gashed deep enough to effect muscle function or broken anything. I've sprained things/have "popped"/shifted joints (which were properly set; wouldn't wish that on anyone lol) or dealt with a "bruised bone". Suffice to say, I've never sustained an injury that caused permanent damage but I do know how your body reacts while it's in shock and the declining state in which blood loss or slowly processing the extent of an injury (cooling off) can cause.

I'll note your mentions and be sure to come up with a better working name. Maybe "Anatomical health/condition display" ?

Also, good point when you said:

If casting a spell is hard, then the results should be worth the effort, otherwise noone would cast them. Something to have in mind wink.png

I mentioned it in my combat post under weaving.

The complexity and vulnerability of the mechanic is meant to act as a means to account for the enormous potential damage weavers can cause.

Woot for the nukers! biggrin.png

Once again, I hope this answered you're current questions. Those which weren't answered hopefully will be on other threads soon enough. Thank you all for your contributions/feedback/input.

Sin ?§??§?

Insofar as exploit detection and mitigation in games, that's hardly something one would get flamed for. If you throw up an algorithm and people start nuking it for fallacies and weak points, that's not flame...that's assistance. It's the kind of assistance you want. :)

My educational background is in software hardening and digital forensics. (My career actually landed me very far from that NLP of all things. Life is funny that way.) Anyway, there are two books that I think you may find helpful if you're interested in the topic of exploits: Exploiting Software and Exploiting Online Games, both by Hoglund and McGraw. The latter one actually tackles the specific issue you face: macros and bot detection. Long-story short: it's a non-trivial problem that at least requires a devoted team and probably would do well outsourced. (Remember PunkBuster?)

Were I you, I would not even consider building anti-cheat stuff into the core of the code at first. It's always good to build code with hardening in mind but, really, you only have so many resources (time, money, etc.) and building a game is more fun than building a cheat detector. Build your game, man. Design, Build, Optimize, Harden, Q.A. In that order. <3

Thank you for the sources of exposure biggrin.png I'll be sure to look into them as well as try to limit my focus on the "anti-macro code".

This is to finish answering a very important question posed by WavyVirus that went unaswered and I felt didn't fit/belong in my most recent thread about skills/spells and their development.

You may have covered this, but is there some scarce mana-like resource which would force the player to choose carefully which spells they cast and when?

Yes, I covered it partially but didn't state in detail how it related to limiting which spells they cast and when. The resource is called Will. Its' regeneration is affected by a few things. One of them is the health condition which I mentioned earilier in this post, Thirst. When you're character has been in combat for a while (even if he hasn't used magic much or at all) it affects their thirst which directly affects their will regeneration. This can be countered by drinking water mid fight or using certain Water Weaving techniques which drain some of your will but add additional will recovery.
The way I proposed to limit/promote effective spell use is simple. Will regen will be ALOT lower during combat. Outside of combat it will regenerate at a decent pace which is still pretty low but will promote training while still posing a challenge.
Aside from will recovering during resting (fast forwarding time) I wanted to implement a mechanic which is the equivalent to meditating. This would play out as a sort of minigame which focuses on timing and concentrating. It would be centered around things which would imitate focusing the mind. The main mechanics in the minigame would be things like landing a shifting bar on a marker, pressing a button at the end of a circle reaching an inner ring. Basically things that require timing and reflex. Doing so correctly would allow you to regenerate your will at a vastly improved rate per successful portion of the minigame. During the minigame your will regen will be higher as well. This will promote training/passive combat by allowing the person to start meditating and afk for a minute or two if they dont particularly enjoy or cant be bothered by the minigame.
Hope that helped further my point/clarify things happy.png

A normal mechanism in the real world is that strenuous activity bring increased capacity and normal difficulty activity sustains the current ability ('normal' relative to the current ability).

SO not just any activity leads to growth, but exceptional activity.

I recall in Ultima Online withe their 100 point skill system (versus stats) that you only went up when you fought with swordskill against an opponent exceding your own level in that (or equivalent) skill. Defensive skill would go up when player was subjected to attacks at a higher level skill.

There also was as part of the mechanism that as you got closer to the higherst value (100) it took more and more activity to get an increment (0.1 each) to your skill.

Unfortunately UO was NOT able to do that with all of the skills and there still was grinding that could be done cheaply.

Some qualifiers to using the skill might also be made as in 'attacks' having to have a real target and not a passive wall

Having negative (failure) 'accidents' that are usually possible when using skill at a difficult task might be a way to dissuade players from grinding.

Another mechanism used on some systems is a daily advancement increment cap (so to spread out the advancement and limit grind exploits)

--------------------------------------------[size="1"]Ratings are Opinion, not Fact

@Sir WodinOneEye: You still haven't said anything that hasn't A: made me think you're not some sort of genius xD or B: made me think that you just like hearing reading your own text.

Each time you've commented I've either felt strongly about what you said or have had a nice chunk to consider with my work. Thanks again, those suggestions/sources of exposure/correlations between my ideas and your expieriences are pretty good ones.

I'm not sure what you meant by:

A normal mechanism in the real world is that strenuous activity bring increased capacity and normal difficulty activity sustains the current ability ('normal' relative to the current ability).

Did you mean it as an opening to explaining how you suggest other methods of capping and allowing development should occur within my system? Good mentions regardless

A normal mechanism in the real world is that strenuous activity bring increased capacity and normal difficulty activity sustains the current ability ('normal' relative to the current ability).

SO not just any activity leads to growth, but exceptional activity.

I recall in Ultima Online withe their 100 point skill system (versus stats) that you only went up when you fought with swordskill against an opponent exceding your own level in that (or equivalent) skill. Defensive skill would go up when player was subjected to attacks at a higher level skill.

I find concept very intriguing and satisfying: the idea that you need to fight something bigger and badder than you to gain power/strength. However, it's not as true to life as it appears. First, skill with a sword is hardly a thing that can be compared like points on a single function. A master swordsman may learn something new fighting an inferior opponent that utilizes a wildly different style or makes a unique mistake. A side-issue is that it precludes character development and role play...consider the scene from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon where Jen attacks Li Mu Bai and he takes the opportunity to instruct her: you learn a great deal about a topic when you teach it.

Still, it's a very cool idea and its an interesting approach to preventing grinding on low level creatures...though just diminishing XP rewards on lower level mobs accomplishes this as well, and is the usual route taken.

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