Framebuffer - render to texture trouble

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0 comments, last by d0nuts 11 years, 3 months ago

Hey everyone! I am working on rendering to textures and am running into some trouble with unbinding the framebuffer object.

Currently, I am generating a framebuffer object, creating two textures (one RGB and one DEPTH_COMPONENT24), attaching the two textures, checking the status which is okay, and then drawing while the framebuffer is bound. Inside of gDEBugger I can see that everything is being drawn to the textures just fine.

However, when I try to bind back to default buffer ( glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0) ) the textures get cleared to zero and everything that was drawn to the textures ends up back in the static buffers. Also, I have also tried binding two more empty textures to the framebuffer and everything gets moved to the new textures.

Any ideas why all that data would just jump ship?

I attached a before and after pictures for when I bind the textures to the framebuffer.


So the problem was using all of the EXT functions and variables instead of the normal ones (ex. glBindFramebufferEXT() instead of glBindFramebuffer() ).

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