How to load .fx files with Directx 11.0

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1 comment, last by SolDirix 11 years, 4 months ago

Hey, I have just started to learn directx11, and I have been baffled that they deprecated d3dx11.h, however, I am wondering what people use to load fx files and whatever, I know I need to use DirectxMath for math functions, but what do I use to load in .fx files or models? I am able to get d3dx to work, however I cannot compile d3dx11Effects.h to get the effect libraries. I looked into DirectxTK, but i'm not sure if that is more powerful than d3dx or not, and is it the new standard? What would someone normally do?

I've been seeing a lot of people not using techniques or passes anymore and just loading the vertex and pixel shaders seperately within one shader file, perhaps... thats what i should be doing... ?

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That's a whole lot of questions and not much clarity on which problem do you exactly stand.

However, this thread should answer your queries :

That's a whole lot of questions and not much clarity on which problem do you exactly stand.

However, this thread should answer your queries :

Sorry for all the questions, it's just that I seem to have no direction of where to go with loading and using shaders. To sum it up, i just wan't to know what the professional standard would be for loading and using shaders in Directx11.

View my game dev blog here!

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