MUD Game Programming CD

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1 comment, last by Daaark 11 years, 3 months ago

I'm currently working on a MUD project. I borrowed Ron Penton's MUD Game Programming from the library but the book came without CD and they don't appear to have it. The book itself is great but I desperately need a bunch of stuff from the CD, like the appendixes and the source code. Does anyone know where to get a copy of what's on it or, if that's not available, would anyone mind uploading the CD contents? Thanks.


Does anyone know where to get a copy of what's on it

You might give these guys a shot.. someone over there may have what you need.

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision --Helen Keller

The book itself is great but I desperately need a bunch of stuff from the CD, like the appendixes and the source code. Does anyone know where to get a copy of what's on it or, if that's not available, would anyone mind uploading the CD contents? Thanks.

No one can upload the CD, because that is piracy and copyright infringement.

Why not buy a copy of the book? It's only 75$ from ( has people charging 200$+ for it). 75$ is cheap for the amount of knowledge you can get from that book.

Failing that, there are a trillion and one MUD game programming sites around the internet, with tutorials and free code bases. You have almost infinite free learning material.

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