frustrum culling methods

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19 comments, last by Norman Barrows 11 years, 1 month ago

HI i was wondering what frustrum culling methods folks are using?

i've seen testing bounding spheres vs planes mentioned.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"



This is not just about frustum culling but it is in here.

Sticking with the basic beginner friendly methods, there is pretty much the "classic" approach of extracting frustum planes and checking the distance again each of them and the "radar" approach, where you transform things to camera space and just compare z vs. near/far and x/y vs half the width/height of the frustum for the given z.

There is no huge difference in terms of complexity or performance, so I'd simply use whatever seems more intuitive to you.


and the "radar" approach, where you transform things to camera space and just compare z vs. near/far and x/y vs half the width/height of the frustum for the given z.

There is no huge difference in terms of complexity or performance, so I'd simply use whatever seems more intuitive to you.

well i started with a world space clip in x-z only, then went to a camera space clip in x-z only. but i'm computing headings to the center and corners of bounding boxes. x/y vs 1/2 width/height @ given Z sounds more efficient. my only problem is when a bounding box spans the frustrum and is so big that the center and all four corners fall outside the frustrum.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


Some interesting reading:

A simple one is to extract the 6 planes from your view-projection, and then test each object's bounding sphere against those planes, taking it's radius into account.

The above describe a similar scheme extended to AABB's. To support OBBs, you can rotate the planes by the boxes inverse orientation so that the box becomes axis aligned.

What I have done in the past and it worked very well was simple sphere vs frustum with plane caching.

The idea being if a sphere vs frustum plane fails the test, the store that plane and test it first next time round as it will most likely be behind that same plane on the next frame.

I wrote a little about it here:

It works very very quickly and was fine with anything upto 10,000 objects culled in about 1ms. With c++ this could probably be 10 times faster.

well i started with a world space clip in x-z only, then went to a camera space clip in x-z only. but i'm computing headings to the center and corners of bounding boxes. x/y vs 1/2 width/height @ given Z sounds more efficient. my only problem is when a bounding box spans the frustrum and is so big that the center and all four corners fall outside the frustrum.

That shouldn't be a problem, unless you make the mistake of completely ignoring which plane the corners are outside of. All corners have to be outside of the same plane, even if that means not culling a few special cases. Usually that's not a big deal and you're better off with conservative quick and dirty frustum culling than being super precise and wasting more time on culling objects than it would have taken to render them.

Which also means that spheres are usually more than sufficient and if you can easily group a bunch of objects into chunks, it's a waste of time to cull every single object individually.

For a large terrain, I use a sphere tree. It's crude and draws the occasional invisible chunk, but culling takes almost no time at all.


The other useful property of any kind of hierarchical partitioning that's rarely mentioned is: if a given node is fully inside the frustum, then all of it's child nodes are guaranteed to also be fully inside; this generalizes to: frustum checks only need to be done for nodes where the parent intersects the frustum (and for the root node, where there is no parent). Using this knowledge you can quite easily (and quickly) skip over a huge number of tests with trivial accept and reject cases.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

A simple one is to extract the 6 planes from your view-projection, and then test each object's bounding sphere against those planes, taking it's radius into account.
The above describe a similar scheme extended to AABB's. To support OBBs, you can rotate the planes by the boxes inverse orientation so that the box becomes axis aligned.

the title in question is a FPS/RPG. as such, there's very little to clip above and below the frustrum, so i don't bother with clipping to the upper and lower frustrum planes. i'm trying to keep the culling overhead as low as possible, so i'm trying to stay away from complex intersection tests, additional transforms, etc. I was forced to go to camera space, because you can look down over the edge of a 100 foot cliff down into a canyon below (and actually climb up and down the cliff face too).

i was just curious how the "real world" does it. sphere/AABB vs plane etc all just sounds like overkill to me. do people really have clock cycles to burn on such trivialities? please explain, am i missing something here? are there situations where things like AABB vs plane are required?

the problem with large bboxes that more than "double span" the frustrum is the same idea as "spanning triangle clipping" in a poly engine. easily dealt with with a couple extra checks.

am i correct in assuming that in camera space "abs(x) > 1/2 frustrum width @ given z" is faster than "plane-sphere intersection test" (assuming everything is pre-computed) ? I haven't looked up the formulas, other than those clever "change of coord system" dots in the article cited above (metal gear 3 was it?).

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


The idea being if a sphere vs frustum plane fails the test, the store that plane and test it first next time round as it will most likely be behind that same plane on the next frame.

very clever. optimize cull order on the fly!

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


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