Blurring UV boundaries

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0 comments, last by eppo 11 years, 2 months ago

Hi everyone,

I've got a little issue with a tiled texture I'm using for a landscape. I created and applied the texture in Blender, and as it stands, it looks rather crude because I simply tiled the same texture but a different number of times for different parts of the model, i.e. for the outer areas like the mountains, I tiled relatively few times, but for the flat area you can see in the image, I tiled a lot more. You can see that this leads to square boundaries between the different levels of tiled detail, and I was wondering if there's a way to blur these boundaries, either in Blender or in D3D?

[attachment=14545:square textures.jpg]



Can't you relax the uv map to have the flat area's scale match that of the mountains? Those disparities would remain even if you blended between uv charts.

Ways of removing or obscuring uv seams I can think of:

- 3/6 axis projected textures. These are often used for procedurally generated terrain when it's hard to automatically generate uv maps.

- employ a secondary uv map (combined with a weight/texture blend-map) that has islands arranged in a way they overlap the first map's seams.

- texture bombing (expensive).

- projected decals to cover smaller seams.

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