Where do I start?

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5 comments, last by 3Ddreamer 11 years, 1 month ago

Hello World!

So I recently have developed an interest in something a bit bigger than the 2-D gaming I've been working with for the past 5 years. It was a hobby I developed with the BYOND game engine, but now I'd like to try something a bit more challenging. All and all, I would really like a mentor or someone who could help me, but I will take helpful forum replies as well. I'm pretty dedicated, so just point me in the right direction and I can achieve just about anything.

My Objective:
I want to be able to start small, but overall I'd like to learn how to work with 3D objects in gaming, some simple moving to start off. I'd like to learn how 3D models are built.


1. What sort of compiler/program should I be using? I've gone through some posts and some people are suggesting C# and Unity?

2. Where can I find such things on the internet?

3. Is there anything else I should be looking into?

4. How hard is it to achieve multiplayer gaming?



You have to choose how low level you want to go. c++/openGL/DirectX is the lowest you would want to go. OpenGL being cross platform. If you don't want to do that kind of low level engine coding you can use c++ with some other Graphics API like Ogre3D or Irrlicht.

However for newbies, it seems like the sweet spot is really C# and XNA/MonoGame, and building up to Unity. C# is easier to learn language but doesn't give you low level control over your code and is not built for speed over anything else like c++.

However it is a great language and if you learn C# not only will you be able to make games but also any other app you wish and making GUI's is really easy in that language.

2. Visual Studio 2012 Express For Desktop supports c++ and C#, it is also FREE. http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/downloads

3. Math, OOP design, theory, ect...

4. Difficult but not to hard.

Start with a good book in your chosen language, learn that language like it was your gospel. Once you know how to program get a book about game programming in your chosen language, and probably a Math book as well.

If this post or signature was helpful and/or constructive please give rep.

// C++ Video tutorials


// Easy to learn 2D Game Library c++

SFML2.2 Download http://www.sfml-dev.org/download.php

SFML2.2 Tutorials http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.2/

// Excellent 2d physics library Box2D


// SFML 2 book


C# is also good for functional and table driven paradigms that can be combined with OOP. My engine now have an example for C# if you want to try it but it require that you learn linear algebra.

Visual Basic .NET have the same framework as C# but with another flavour of the syntax that looks more like Matlab and Ada. Some people goes nuts about Visual Basic using line breaks as part of the syntax while others goes nuts about having to write ; after almost each line.

Multiplayer gaming is complicated to get right because of packet loss, delays and server costs (for MMO). I still haven't figured out what framework to use when IPV4 runs out of addresses.

1. What sort of compiler/program should I be using? I've gone through some posts and some people are suggesting C# and Unity?
2. Where can I find such things on the internet?
3. Is there anything else I should be looking into?
4. How hard is it to achieve multiplayer gaming?

1 If you go with unity, it includes everything you need.

2 If you dont go with unity, this guide will point you towards the files you need, including helping you make language selections, learning resources, tool links, etc.

3 Yes, tons, but baby steps. Perhaps your first task right now is figuring out what you should look into next.

4 Very, not at all. Difficulty is relative. To you, just starting out with no prior experience we will fill that one under "unbelievably difficult". In a year or two time, when you've got some experience, it becomes much more doable. In terms of how hard is networking compared to other game programming... depends on the level of difficulty again... a high score server... meh. Real time 16 player FPS peer to peer... much more difficult.

As to learning how to create 3D Models, I just finished the perfect tutorial series for you. It uses the freely available Blender 3D package and teaches you how to use the modelling tools and assumes you have zero prior experience.

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Selection and Navigation

Part 3: Introduction to 3D modelling

Part 4: Modelling Operations

Part 5: Quick reference



1. What sort of compiler/program should I be using? I've gone through some posts and some people are suggesting C# and Unity? Language most skilled and liked by you is first decision. Choose engine which uses that, as second decision (almost all are good).

2. Where can I find such things on the internet? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_game_engines

3. Is there anything else I should be looking into? Get involved in the community websites surrounding your game engine of choice.

4. How hard is it to achieve multiplayer gaming? It is doable for a single person developer but typically the successful, profitable developers have teams of designers, programmers, and artists. How hard? For a single person developer it is anywhere from hard to very hard depending on programming language skills.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

5. If I am game oriented, and want a good guide that involves some starter tutorials, where would I look?

6. How do I select an engine (as I'm obviously not ready to do my own). How does the engine fit into the big picture, and how do I incorporate it into the project?

5. If I am game oriented, and want a good guide that involves some starter tutorials, where would I look? Same answer as my #3 above here.

6. How do I select an engine (as I'm obviously not ready to do my own). How does the engine fit into the big picture, and how do I incorporate it into the project? These things vary widely among engines. Simply, step by step to answer all of these, you explore that mountain step by step.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

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