very basic question

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3 comments, last by rnlf_in_space 10 years, 10 months ago

I am just doing something from a book that asks me to type something in but anytime i type in the number and click enter the program just ends

example when it asks how much fuel i type in 100 then it just ends it.

//Game Stats
// Demonstrates declaring and initializing variables

using namespace std;

int main()
int score;
double distance;
char playAgain;
bool shieldsUp;

short lives , aliensKilled;

score = 0;
distance = 1200.76;
playAgain = ' y ' ;
shieldsUp = true;
lives = 3;
aliensKilled = 10;

double engineTemp = 6572.89;

cout << "\nscore: " << score << endl;
cout << "distance: " << distance << endl;
cout << "playAgain: " << playAgain << endl;
//skipping shieldsUp since you don't generally print Boolean values
cout << "lives: " << lives << endl;
cout << "aliensKilled: " << aliensKilled << endl;
cout << "engineTemp: " << engineTemp << endl;

int fuel;
cout << "\nHow much fuel? ";
cin >> fuel;
cout << " fuel: " << fuel << endl;

typedef unsigned short int ushort;
ushort bonus = 10;
cout << "\nbonus: " << bonus << endl;

return 0;



Works for me. Try adding this before the return: system( "PAUSE"); ....or getch() or whatever

Yeah, looks like you start the program from your IDE, which does not keep the console windows open after the program ends, so after displaying "bonus: foo", the program ends (as intended) and the console window belonging to it is closed by Windows. Do what Aliii proposes. Maybe use cin::get() so you don't have to add more headers.

instead of writing system("PAUSE"), I recommend you to add before return 0; line: cin.get();

It is C++ way.

Deltron Zero and Automator.

Yeah, that's what I said ph34r.png

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