Unity examples/tutorials for a C++ programmer?

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13 comments, last by Acharis 10 years, 11 months ago

You can try the 3dbuzz tutorials for unity. One of them goes through the whole process of making a pseudo 2d space invader style game. It is very basic but it does cover all the points you need to get started.


Correct me if I am wrong, but considering what I've read into Unity Community forums, Unity uses C# instead of C++. Hopefully, there'll be a way to combine Unity with C++ but this is not the official way of doing things. Again, maybe I'm wrong. I've never make use of Unity, so ...

Let me quote some posts that might be helpful for you:

You don't really use C++ in Unity. You can in certain specialized cases, such as plugins, but not for scripting. And definitely not for Flash.

Short answer is no, you can't use C++ with Unity. In Unity, you can code in C#, UnityScript or Boo. You then deploy the same code to all the platforms supported by Unity. It does the conversion for you.

That said, I think that's the reason why you don't find many resources available for C++ in Unity.

He says he is a C++ programmer wanting to do something in Unity, not that he wants to use C++ in unity.

Or that's what I got from it at least :)

If this is the case, then I'll suggest you take a look at the digitaltutors Unity tutorials.

You can't program C++ with Unity.

Just learn some basic JavaScript (it's very easy, especially from a C++ background) and then read the documentation.

If you're having trouble getting "real" games together, look at some tutorials to make pong or other easy games.

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He says he is a C++ programmer wanting to do something in Unity, not that he wants to use C++ in unity.

Or that's what I got from it at least smile.png

Correct. I'm just a C++ programmer that looks for examples/tutorials suitable for a C++ programmer's mindset (so without unneeded lenghty explanations like what "if" statement or "bit operator" is biggrin.png). I know Unity uses C#.

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