Assimp loading indices not properly

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2 comments, last by MasterSporta 10 years, 10 months ago

Hi everyone!

I've just tried to load simple mode cube.3ds via assimp into my programm. But when I started loading indices from model into my vector, the next error occurs: my indices vector contain next data: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]. When I open obj model file, the indices contains different values. So can anyone describe in detail properly algorithm for reading indices from file? Thank's a lot!


Which flags do you use? You need to triangulate, eliminate lines/points and optimize.

make sure to use aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices in the flags or else the index buffer will not be necessary.

ic0de, thank's a lot!!! I'v just used only aiProcess_Triangulate. There was my mistake. I've added aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices and all works fine.

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