Web game: flash or unity?

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6 comments, last by PixelHeavyIndustries 10 years, 9 months ago

For web browser game, flash or unity, which is better?

AFAIK, unity has its own development tool, free and easy to use, but flash is more common in browser

Also, unity engine is written in C++ while flash use actionscript, so, performance-wise, is unity faster?



Better is subjective.

It depends entirely on your game and your proposed user experience.

If you want a 3D game experience that Unity provides you may have a difficult time simulating that with Flash.

If flash is adequate for your game, Unity would be overkill.

Which kind of game do you plan to develop ?

Use the tool that you are most familiar with.

It all depends on what kind of game do you plan to develop.

Facebook social games for example, are often made with HTML5 and/or Flash, but in my opinion, Flash's renderer is really too weak when compared to Unity's (keep in mind that Unity can be used to create 2D games with the right setup.)
A 3D or 2.5D game should preferably be created with Unity as you have all (?) the tools you might need to carry on with the projects and evade tough and complex stages that the Unity team has already done for you.

Afterall, think about what do you exactly expect from the "engine" you want to work with. But at the end of the day, learning C#/C++ Game Programming is far better than investing time in Flash if not needed.

It's important that you think about the monetization side of things. There are far more flash game sites than unity or HTML 5 game sites. So unless you are funded upfront to make a HTML 5 or Unity based game, you might be limiting yourself a bit in terms of monetization.

If you are doing 3d, you can do it in either flash or Unity, although I'd say that Unity is probably the better choice. So to some degree, what type of game you are making is important in deciding.

Also, unity engine is written in C++ while flash use actionscript, so, performance-wise, is unity faster?

Well, the core of both unity and flash are probably both written in c++ or another more efficient language. It is your additions to the code that are going to be written in action script for flash. Unity actually gives you the option for programming in c#, javascript, or boo.

As for the speed, c# will likely be the fastest of the available languages, but I would not base my decision of the platform based on the speed of the language it uses. In my projects I have found that drawing the scene takes the most time, and that is part of the engine code already written to be fast. The code you add will probably not be the bottleneck, if it is you either have inefficient algorithms, that can be fixed, or your game is too complicated but most beginner games don't push the limits of the hardware, so you should be fine.

If your game is going to be 2D, I would recommend flash. It is much more widespread and likely an easier environment to work in. If it is going to be 3D, go with Unity.
My current game project Platform RPG

If your game is going to be 2D, I would recommend flash. It is much more widespread and likely an easier environment to work in. If it is going to be 3D, go with Unity.

I agree...trying to 2D in Unity is tough, but a lot cheaper (read: "free") than Flash. I ended up having to write a plugin so I could do 2D in Unity the way I've always done it in Flash: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/10160

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