Where can I download the Source Code from the SuperBible?

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8 comments, last by Zeus_ 22 years, 7 months ago
Anyone know where? Thanks. -ZEUS
what is it?
The OpenGL SuberBible contains source code on a CD. I am looking for a URL where I can download those source codes and whatever else is on the CD.

SOmeone? anyone?

its 40megs.
I could upload it somewhere
for you.

40 megs? wow.. I don''t want you to have to go out of your way, but hey, if your willing, then cool!

I got a crappy 56k, but if its worth teh download, then I''ll wait.

Thanks again!

I could upload it
if you have somewhere
for me to put it.
I connot run a server.
it zipped up to 16 megs
hmm.. you got a web page you can upload to?

tripod allows like 50megs of space..


its free

set it up,
send me the info,
i''ll upload it.
Hey! Is it possible for me to get them too??
If u got an FTP or something, i could download it or u can upload it my FTP !?!?
(if you got the time though)
Thx =D

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