fixed function blendops for snow tex on ground tex?

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2 comments, last by Norman Barrows 10 years, 7 months ago

anyone remember fixed function blend ops?

anyone any good with them?

in the past i resorted to writing my own 10 channel weighted texture blender because i couldn't seem to get the desired result (4 way weighted blending) with blendops.

i'm now faced with the challenge of drawing snow on the ground in Caveman (openworld rpg/person sim - fps interface).

in the previous version, i used a pre-blended 50-50 snow texture for each regular ground texture, and a single 100% snow texture.

but this time around, there are more types of terrain, and each type now has 4 seamless tiled textures (for the moment, may add more) instead of just one base texture that got mirrored in x and z to reduce moire`. so lots more textures to make a "half snow" version of.

obviously, variable alpha blending of a 100% snow texture would be ideal, but probably too much of a performance hit. basically drawing two complete ground meshes, the regular one, and a variably translucent snow one just above it.

on the other end of the scale, pre-blended textures would be fastest,but would be limited to the % blends done ahead of time, and memory could become a factor if a large number of textures was required.

i need a low overhead way to do this. so i was thinikng maybe a two stage blendop might not be so bad. and i'd only need one texture instead of pre-blending dozens.

any blendops come to mind? are they fast? i really can't afford anything like a true multipass algo.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"



Which API are you using? D3D9?

Which API are you using? D3D9?

yep. 9.0c.

any ideas? any hope for something like a quick single pass two stage blend op?

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"



default blendops are as follows:

stage 0:

colorop: modulate arg1 texture arg2: diffuse

alphaop: select 1 arg1 texture/diffuse arg2: current (diffuse is used if no texture is set)

uses uv coordinate set 0

stages 1 through 7:

colorop: disable arg1: texture arg2: current

alphaop: disable arg1: texture/diffuse arg2: current (diffuse is used if no texture is set)

stages 1-7 use uv coordinate sets 1-7 respectively.

the blendop desired is blend factor alpha, which blends between two textures based on the value of a d3d color (the alpha channel most likely) passed to the system.


1. stage 1 uses uv set 1. unless you have two sets of uv's in your vertex data, you need to set stage 1 to use uv set 0. otherwise d3d uses 0.0f for all uv coords for stage 1.

this results in a blend to the color of the UL pixel of the second texture.

2. setting the texture for stage 1 increases the reference count on the texture used. you must set the texture in stage 1 to NULL when done, to decrement the reference count again.

here's the code to turn on and off snow blending:

void turnon_snowblending()
int i;
float f;
D3DCOLOR color;
f=snow_accumulation;        // calc blend factor.....
if (f > 255.0f) f=255.0f;
Zd3d_device_ptr->SetRenderState(D3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR,color);          // set blend factor.....
Zd3d_device_ptr->SetTexture(1,Ztex[341].tex);        // TEX 341          // set the snow texture.....
Zd3d_device_ptr->SetTextureStageState(1,D3DTSS_COLOROP,D3DTOP_BLENDFACTORALPHA);     // tell it to blend
//Zd3d_device_ptr->SetTextureStageState(1,D3DTSS_COLORARG1,D3DTA_TEXTURE);                        // these commented out lines aren't required
///Zd3d_device_ptr->SetTextureStageState(1,D3DTSS_COLORARG2,D3DTA_CURRENT);                      // the arg values are the same as the default current sttings
//Zd3d_device_ptr->SetTextureStageState(1,D3DTSS_ALPHAOP,D3DTOP_BLENDFACTORALPHA);   // this apparently doesn't need to be turned on.
Zd3d_device_ptr->SetTextureStageState(1,D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX,0);              // use uv set 0, there is no uv set 1, so it uses 0.0 for all uv's!
void turnoff_snowblending()
//D3DCOLOR color;                                                  
 // again, commented out lines are not required. you know how d3d is - sometimes you have to try a few things until you get the right combo.
// texturefactor doesn't need to be reset, because snow blending is the only place its used.
Zd3d_device_ptr->SetTexture(1,NULL);            // set tex to null to decrement reference to snow tex
Zd3d_device_ptr->SetTextureStageState(1,D3DTSS_COLOROP,D3DTOP_DISABLE);     // turn off blending

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


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