Bitwise operations - not my strong suit

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1 comment, last by duesjov 10 years, 7 months ago


Im looking in to the article on the frontpage about component entity systems..

bitwise operations have never been my strong suit,

I am looking at this line here

if((world->mask[entity] & MOVEMENT_MASK) == MOVEMENT_MASK)

in this part


void movementFunction(World *world)
    unsigned int entity;
    Displacement *d;
    Velocity *v;

    for(entity = 0; entity < ENTITY_COUNT; ++entity)
        if((world->mask[entity] & MOVEMENT_MASK) == MOVEMENT_MASK)
            d = &(world->displacement[entity]);
            v = &(world->velocity[entity]);

            v->y -= 0.98f;

            d->x += v->x;
            d->y += v->y;

and cant figure out why this is needed.

if((world->mask[entity] & MOVEMENT_MASK) == MOVEMENT_MASK)

couldn't you just put it like this ->

if(world->mask[entity] == MOVEMENT_MASK)

I hope you can help clarify this for me

Best Regards


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Using the & masks out the other bits, so that if other bits are set it won't affect the check. It's basically saying "if the MOVEMENT_MASK bits are set do this". Using a straight == would be saying "if the MOVEMENT_MASK bits are set and none of the other bits are set do this".

ahh I see.

Thank you for the quick response.


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