searching for good raytracing intersection routines

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4 comments, last by Bacterius 10 years, 6 months ago

i am searching for some good intersection test routines can be used

for raytracing figures (you know input is ray origin, ray direction and 'figure' coordinates, output is intersection point, and intersection point normal)

I found something i think moderately good for sphere

inline float intersectRaySphere(float3* rayOrigin, float3* rayDir, float3* sphereOrigin, float sphereRadius)
static float3 SphRay;

SphRay = sub(sphereOrigin, rayOrigin);
float SphRaySquare = dot(&SphRay,&SphRay);
float v = dot(&SphRay,rayDir);
float d = sphereRadius*sphereRadius - SphRaySquare + v*v;

// If there was no intersection, return -1
if (d < 0.0) return (-1.0f);

// Return the distance to the [first] intersecting point
return (v - sqrt(d));

but something long and weird (and bad) for Ray Quad intersection - need to found some better intersection routines for this and for other 'figures' it too could be useful.

Could someone help with that ? some good routines ? much tnx


Straight from my old and unfinished GPU raytracer (code is in OpenCL but should be straightforward). No guarantees are given regarding correctness and efficiency, but they served me well, and apparently work, though they have not undergone extensive testing. In the code below EPSILON is a small value (in my implementation, it was set to 1e-5f, YMMV). You will have to calculate the normals yourself though. For the sphere it's easy to calculate, the triangle normal is trivially given to you, and I have not needed the AABB normal in my code (it was used for the BVH acceleration structure). Note the ray-sphere and ray-AABB routines will correctly handle the case where the ray starts inside the primitive.

Hope it helps smile.png

(unless indicated otherwise, all operators and mathematical functions operate component-wise)


typedef struct Sphere
    float4 position; // (x, y, z, r^2)
} Sphere;

// returns a positive distance on intersect, negative distance otherwise
float RaySphere(float3 origin, float3 direction, Sphere sphere)
    origin = - origin;
    float b = dot(origin, direction); /* w -> radius squared. */
    float det = b * b - dot(origin, origin) + sphere.position.w;
    if (det >= 0.0f)
        float l = sqrt(det);
        float p = b - l, q = b + l;
        if (p < EPSILON) return q;
        if (q < EPSILON) return p;
        return min(p, q);
    return -1.0f;


typedef struct Triangle
    float3 p1; // arbitrary triangle vertex
    float3 e1; // first edge
    float3 e2; // second edge
    float3 t; // tangent vector
    float3 b; // bitangent vector
    float3 n; // normal vector
} Triangle;

// returns true on intersect, false otherwise (value of *distance is undefined if the function returns false)
bool RayTriangle(float3 o, float3 d, Triangle triangle, float *distance)
    o -=;
    float3 s = cross(d,;
    float de = 1.0f / dot(s,;

    float u = dot(o, s) * de;

    if ((u <= -EPSILON) || (u >= 1 + EPSILON)) return false;

    s = cross(o,;
    float v = dot(d, s) * de;

    if ((v <= -EPSILON) || (u + v >= 1 + EPSILON)) return false;

    *distance = dot(, s) * de;
    return (*distance > EPSILON);


// (bmin, bmax) -> corners of the AABB
// (near, far) -> near and far intersection points (you are interested in near)
// returns true on intersect, false otherwise (value of *near, *far undefined if the function returns false)
bool RayBBox(float3 origin, float3 direction,
             float3 bmin, float3 bmax,
             float* near, float* far)
    float3 bot = (bmin - origin) / direction;
    float3 top = (bmax - origin) / direction;

    float3 tmin = fmin(top, bot);
    float3 tmax = fmax(top, bot);

    *near = fmax(fmax(tmin.x, tmin.y), tmin.z);
    *far  = fmin(fmin(tmax.x, tmax.y), tmax.z);

    return !(*near > *far) && *far > 0;

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

Very much tnx, think it will be very usefull, (if i will test it I will wrote some lines here about it)

What result in rendering gives ray-aabb, is this a rectangle on screen or something?I do not quite understand the bmin, bmx, far, near coordinates - if ray coordinates are given on some 'world' 3D space coordinates (quite independant independant from the 'camera ' coordinates, the bmin, bmax, far, near are in 'world' coordinates or in 'monitor/camera' coordinates?

Much tnx for good answer, if someone could add more routiness or diiscuss this topic up, tnx also

What result in rendering gives ray-aabb, is this a rectangle on screen or something?I do not quite understand the bmin, bmx, far, near coordinates - if ray coordinates are given on some 'world' 3D space coordinates (quite independant independant from the 'camera ' coordinates, the bmin, bmax, far, near are in 'world' coordinates or in 'monitor/camera' coordinates?

AABB is an axis-aligned bounding box, a 3D box aligned with the x, y, z axis in whatever coordinate space you are. bmin is a point representing one corner of the AABB with the lowest x, y, z coordinates, bmax is the corner with the largest x, y, z coordinates. near gives the distance from the origin where the ray intersects the AABB for the first time, far gives the distance it intersects it a second time (i.e. exits it). Keep in mind you can rotate the AABB, or any primitive for that matter, by transforming the ray by the inverse of the primitive's rotation matrix before doing the intersection test!

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

What result in rendering gives ray-aabb, is this a rectangle on screen or something?I do not quite understand the bmin, bmx, far, near coordinates - if ray coordinates are given on some 'world' 3D space coordinates (quite independant independant from the 'camera ' coordinates, the bmin, bmax, far, near are in 'world' coordinates or in 'monitor/camera' coordinates?

AABB is an axis-aligned bounding box, a 3D box aligned with the x, y, z axis in whatever coordinate space you are. bmin is a point representing one corner of the AABB with the lowest x, y, z coordinates, bmax is the corner with the largest x, y, z coordinates. near gives the distance from the origin where the ray intersects the AABB for the first time, far gives the distance it intersects it a second time (i.e. exits it). Keep in mind you can rotate the AABB, or any primitive for that matter, by transforming the ray by the inverse of the primitive's rotation matrix before doing the intersection test!

But i still do not understand it - is this RayBox routine able to raytrace a 3d box (3d cube) on screen?

But i still do not understand it - is this RayBox routine able to raytrace a 3d box (3d cube) on screen?


“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

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