Cant use D3DXCreateTextureFromFile with Visual Studio 2013?

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3 comments, last by Anddos 10 years, 5 months ago

I am using visual studio 2013 and i am working in d3d9, if i type D3DXCreateTextureFromFile it says undeclared indentfier, so i look for d3dx9.h in my includes folder and cannot find it anywhere,this is the path for d3d9.h,C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\shared,what am i suppose to use to load textures now?


You won't be able to use D3DX set of library functions anymore unless you manually install old DX SDK. New one doesn't have them and you should look up the code to load DDS textures manually. Or you can use the new Microsoft library called DirectXTex, which is the replacer for some of the old D3DX functions.



I havent even installed the dxsdk, it all comes built in with visual studio now

is it still going to work with device -> SetTexture tho?


Device->SetTexture isn't a D3DX call.

The DXSDK obviously doesn't all come with the Windows SDK because they've left out the D3DX components.

Another way is to LoadLibrary the D3DX DLL, then GetProcAddress for the function you want.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

So it looks like i need to install the dx sdk after all,thanks for the info...


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