Gravitanks - 2.5D multiplayer action artillery with planetary gravity

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-1 comments, last by PerfectWaveGames 10 years, 4 months ago
I'm working on a game called Gravitanks. It's a 2.5D dual stick shooter with a gravity based twist. Players drive massive tanks around planets or fly through space firing projectiles and other weapons. Projectiles are strongly affected by the gravity field of the planets. This can be used to the player’s advantage to fire from cover and arc shots into foes. Up to 8 players can compete in deathmatches, and from 1 to 4 players can fight against the hordes cooperatively in survival mode.
We've got all kinds gravity affected weapons like the standard shell, high explosive rounds, machine gun, and sticky bombs. We've also got direct fire weapons like the laser and railgun.
We're using Unity and targeting PC, Mac, Linux, and OUYA.

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